Tuesday, June 21, 2011

रंग बदलते कोंग्रेसियों के बयान......औंधे मुंह गिरती चतुर चाले और 'नग्न' मीडिया

स्वामी रामदेवजी से ही क्यों डरती है कांग्रेस? विदेशी लोगों का समर्थ...न करने वाली मिडिया क्यों पड़ी है स्वामी जी के पीछे ???? दोस्तों, क्या आपने कभी सोचा है स्वामी रामदेव जी से ही कांग्रेस क्यों परेशान है और डरती है, जानिए कारण:
स्वामी रामदेवजी जी के तर्क के आगे कांग्रेस के तथाकथित प्रवक्ता 5 मिनट भी नहीं टिकेंगे.
स्वामी जी के पास कांग्रेस का वास्तविक इतिहास का साक्ष्य है और कांग्रेस के कारनामो का काला चिटठा है,
अभी तो बात आएगी मंच पर बहस की, जिसकी की आगे के किसी भी चुनाव में जोर देकर मांग की जायेगी, तब ये अज्ञानी प्रवक्ता मंच पर जनता को क्या जवाब देंगे, सरकार हर साल लोगों से 134 प्रकार के टैक्स से कितना पैसा जमा कराती है और ये पैसे कहा खर्च हो जाते है? मंदिरों का पैसा सरकार किस मद में खर्च कराती है जिसे सिर्फ हिन्दू दान देकर इकठ्ठा करता है, ये बहुत बड़ा प्रश्न है.
मंच पर ये बहस नहीं होगी की क्या विकास किया, बहस होगी की राहुलसोनिया, चिदंबरम, पवार, मनमोहन, विलासराव देशमुख, अहमद पटेल, प्रणव मुखर्जी जैसे लोंगो के भी काले धन के खाते है क्या?
काले धन का इतिहास क्या है, पहले कपिल सिब्बल ने कहा कोई भी नुकसान २ जी घोटाले में नहीं हुआ है, फिर अहलुवालिया ने कहा की हा वास्तव में कोई घोटाला नहीं हुआ है, फिर मनमोहन ने कहा इसकी जाँच चल रही है, विपक्ष को टालते रहे, राजा जैसा आदमी जिसके पास अपनी मोबाइल को टाप अप करने का पैसा नहीं हो, यदि वह अपनी पत्नी के नाम 3000 करोड़ रुपया मारीशाश में जमा कर दे, क्या यह सब बिना सोनिया की जानकारी के कर सकता है, उस पार्टी में जहा पर बिना सोनिया के पूछे कोई वक्तव्य तथाकथित प्रवक्ता नहीं दे सकते हैफिर आया महा घोटाला देवास-इसरो डील का जिसमे की 205000 करोड़ की बैंड विड्थ को मात्र 1200 करोड़ के 10 साल के उधार के पैसे में दे दिया गयाभला हो सुब्रमनियम स्वामी जी का जिन्हें इन चोरो को नंगा कर दिया, हमारी कांग्रेसी और विदेशी मिडिया सुब्रमनियम स्वामी की तस्वीर हमेशा से गलत पेश किया है जब की वास्तव में भारत देश को ऐसे ही इमानदार नेताओ की जरुरत है जिसने कभी भी चोरी के बारे में सोचा ही नहीं, फिर आया कामनवेल्थ खेल का 90000 करोड़ का घोटाला, फिर कोयला का घोटाला जिसमे ठेकेदारों द्वारा 10 पैसे प्रति किलो के भाव से कोयला खरीदा जाता है और उसे बाजार में रुपये किलो तक बेचा जाता है, यह रकम अब तक 26 लाख करोड़ होती है,
इटली के 8 बैंक और स्वीटजरलैंड के 4 बैंको को 2005 में भारत में क्योंखोला गया है और इसमे किसका पैसा जमा होता है, ये बैंक किसको लोन देते है और इनका ब्याज क्या है, इनकी जरुरत क्यों आ पड़ी भारत में जब की भारत के ही बैंकरों की बैंक खोलने की अर्जियाँ सरकार के पास धूल खा रही है, इन बैंको को चोरी छुपे क्यों खोला गया है, इन बैंको आवश्यकता क्यों है जब भारत में 80% लोग 20 रूपया प्रतिदिन से भी कम कमाते है.
भारत के किसानो से कमीशन लेने वाले चोर कत्रोची के बेटे को अंदमान दीप समूह में तेल की खुदाई का ठेका क्यों दिया गया 2005 में, किसने दिया ठेका, किसके कहने पर दिया ठेका, क्या वहा पर पहले से ही तेल के कुऊ का पता लगाकर वह स्थान इसे दे दिया गया जैसे की बहुत बार खबरों में अन्य संदर्भो में आती है, यह खबर क्यों छुपाई गयी अब तक, इसे देश को क्यों नहीं बताया गया, मिडिया क्यों इसे छुपा गई, और विपक्ष ने इसे मुद्दा क्यों नहीं बनाया.
सरकार ने पहले कहा की बाबा बकवास कर रहे है, काला धन नाम की कोई चीज नहीं है,
फिर खबर आयी की काला धन है और सबसे ज्यादा भारतीयों का है, यह स्विस बैंको के आलावा 70 और दुसरे देशो में जमा है,
सरकार ने कहा की टैक्स चोरी का मामला है, हम उन देशो से समझौते कर रहे है, जिससे की दोहरा कर न देना पड़े,
यह टैक्स चोरी नहीं भारत देशको लूट डालने का मामला है जिसकी सजा किसान से पूंछो तो सिर्फ मौत देना चाहता है वह भी सब कुछ वसूल लेने के बाद
फिर बात आई की यदि ये भ्रष्टाचारी और लुटेरे इसमे से 15% टैक्स सरकार को दे तो इसे भारत के बैंको में जमा करने दिया जायेगा और किसी को यह हक़ नहीं होगा की वह पूछे की या इतना पैसा कैसे कमाया या लूटा. सरकार इस पर एक कानून ला रही है, क्यों? किसको बचाया जा रहा है? जिसने भी यह गद्दारी की है उसे तो भीड़ ही मार डालेगीइन्ही लोगो की वजह से भारत में इतनी महागायी है की लोग शादी खर्च से बचने के लिए बेटियों की जान ले ले रहे है, किसान आत्महत्या कर रहा ई, गरीब दवा नहीं करा रहा है, बच्चे स्कुल नहीं जा रहे है, इन्हें तो किसी कीमत पर नहीं छोड़ा जा सकता है, ये यूरिया घोटाला करते है और यूरिया किसान को दुगुने दाम बचा जाता है, फिर गेहू सस्ते में खरीदा जाता है, और अब तो घोटाला 115% हो जायेगा, 115 चुराओ, 15 सरकार को देकर 100 खुद रख लो.
हमारे देश में क्यों अनुसन्धान के लिए पर्याप्त पैसा नहीं दिया जाता है, यह कीसकी चाल है, जिसकी वजह से हम 5-10 गुना दाम में विदेशी चीजे खरीदते है,
ऐसे कौन से कारण है जिनके कारन हम नेहरू के द्वारा ट्रांसफर अफ पॉवर अग्रीमेंट 14 अगस्त 1947 को दस्तखत करने के बाद भी आज तक विक्सित नहीं बन पाए, जब की हमारी जनता हफ्ते में 90 घंटा काम करती है जबकि कामचोर अंग्रेज हफ्ते में सिर्फ 30 घंटा काम करते है,
क्या कारण है की हमारे 45 रुपये में 1 डालर और 90 रुपये में 1 पौंड मिलाता है, जब की 1947 में 1 रुपये में 1 डालर मिलता था.
क्या कारण है की हमारे देश में एक भी सोलर ऊर्जा वैज्ञानिक नहीं है और दुनिया भर के परमाणु वैज्ञानिक है जो हमें हमेशा झूठा अश्वाव्हन देते है की यह परमाणु बिजली सस्ती और निरापद है भारत की परमाणु से सम्बंधित कुल बाजार 750 लाख करोड़ का होगा. जब की हम भारत में 400000 मेगावाट सोलर बिजली बना सकते है,
हम अभी तक सुरक्षित अन्ना भण्डारण की व्यवस्था क्यों नहीं बना पाए जब की हमारे पास धन की कमी ही नहीं है, क्योकि अन्न को सडा दिखाकर उसे कौड़ियो के भाव शराब माफिया को बचा जाता है जब की गरीब अन्ना बिना मर रहा है, इसके लिए तो कोई एक व्यक्ति जिम्मेदार होगा, उसकी सजा क्या है,
मीडिया को निष्पक्ष बनाने के लिए सरकार क्या कदम उठा रही है, सभी भारतीयों को पता चल गया है की मिडिया , टीवी और पत्रिकाए सरकार को बिक चुकी है, बड़े शर्म की बात है, शाम को सिर्फ 4 रोटी खाने के लिए भारत माता से गद्दारी क्यों? 19. अगर देश में 2 लाख करोड़ रुपये की नकदी सर्कुलेशन में है तो देश की अर्थव्यवस्था करीब 100 लाख करोड़ रुपयों की होती है. और हमारे देश में रिजर्व बैंक अबतक लगभग 18 लाख करोड़ रुपयों के नोट छाप चुका है और कमसे कम 10 लाख करोड़ रुपये सर्कुलेशन में है. इस हिसाब से देश की अर्थव्यवस्था करीब 400 से 500 लाख करोड़ रुपये होनी चाहिए लेकिन अभी हमारी अर्थव्यवस्था केवल 60 लाख करोड़ की है. जबकि इतनी अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए दो लाख करोड़ से भी कम सर्कुलेशन मनी की जरूरत है.
अगर 400 लाख करोड़ रूपये का काला धन देश में वापिस आ जाता है तो देश की अर्थव्यवस्था करीब 20,000 लाख करोड़ रुपये होगी ... क्या आप जानते हैं कि इस समय अमेरिका सबसे शक्तिशाली देश है और उसकी अर्थव्यवस्था करीब 650 लाख करोड़ की है... मतलब 400 लाख करोड़ रुपये वापिस मिलने पर हम अमरीका से भी 30 गुना ज्यादा शक्तिशाली बन सकते है.
मीडिया मे बिके हुए देनिक भास्कर ने आज कहा की बाबा स्वदेशी का प्रचार कराते है और खुद के पतंजलि मे 2 एलसीडी सेमसंग की है और ब्लेकबेरी का मोबाइल उनके अधिकारी के पास हैइसी बिके हुए देनिक भास्कर नाम के दल्ले से एक प्रश्न आप अपने आपको मीडिया कहते हो देश बचाने वाले ? क्या आपने कभीकोशिश भी की स्वदेशी को अपनाने की ? आपके लिए एक एग्रीमेंट स्वतन्त्रता हो जाता है लेकिन स्वदेशी आंदोलन कोई महत्व नहीं रखता ? क्योंकि आपकी झोली भारती है सेमसंग जेसी कंपनीय देनिक भास्कर के वैबसाइट पर ही देख लीजिये कितनी विज्ञापन है सेमसंग के देनिक लाखो मे दिल होती है उत्सव मे तो तादात बढ़ जाती है फिर देनिक भास्कर क्यूँ हरामखोरी नहीं करेगा ? बाबा के स्वदेशी आंदोलन से इन दलालो के मालिक कंपनियों ने इन्हे आदेश दिया है की अपनी कलम हमारे यहाँ गिरवी रखें और बाबा का विरोध करें लोगो को बर्गलाए । जिस दिन इस क्रांति ने आक्रामकता का रूप लिया तब इन मीडिया के दलालो का भी हश्र वही होगा जो हेडलाइन टुडे के दफ्तर मे हुआ था आरएसएस के बारें मे झूठ फेलाने के लिए उस स्टिंग से क्या हुआ ना कोई केस ना कोई समान सिर्फ एक झूठ था जनता को बरगलाने के लिए


Population1.21 billion

37% population lives below the

national poverty line

55 % population lives with multiple

deprivations as measured by the

Multidimensional Poverty Index.

Ranks 119 out of 169

countries as per global 2010 Human

Development Index

42% population is below Purchasing

Power Parity of USD1.25/day

49% of poor are women

10.8% women hold Parliamentary


2.27million estimated to be living

with HIV

Carbon emitted per capita:1.20

metric tone

26% of total population is illiterate

Proportion of underweight children

below three years: 46%

Sources: Provisional data from Census 2011; 11th

Five-Year Plan, Government of India; Global UNDP

Human Development Report 2010 The Real Wealth

of Nations: Pathways to Human Development;

National Sample Survey Organisation 61st Round,

2004-05; Planning Commission 2006; Election

Commission of India; National AIDS Control

Organisation; India MDG Report 2009; Report of

the Expert Group to Review Methodology for

Estimation of Poverty, Planning Commission,

Government of India, 2009.

List of Scam In India. Prominant Scams Before 2005

Harshad Mehta Big Bull Scam – 4000 crore

Lalu’s Chara Ghotala – 950 crores – July 2008 IAS officer Sajjal gets four-yr RI for 39 crore scam

Hawala Scandal – 5000 crores

Bofors Scandal – 64 crores (Also Read: 1 2 3)

Narendra Rastogi serial scammer – more than 43 crores (Read more 1)

Dalmia Scandal – 595 crores

Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel fraud case-50 crores

UTI Scam – 32 crores

Mutual Fund Scam – 1350 crores

Bansali Scam – 1200 crores

Ketan Parekh’s Sebi Scam- 888 crores - June 08 – SC issues arrest warrant against Ketan Parekh

Cobbler Scam – 1000 crores

Bribe to allot petrol pumps scam

Churhat lottery scam – ?

Anantnag transport subsidy scam – ?

Bangalore – Mysore Infrastructure Corridor – ?

Kerala SNC Lavalin power scandal – 374.5 crore loss – Dec 09 – Accused CPM leader Vijayan gets bail in graft case.

January 2005

Telgi Scam – 171 crores - Telgi was sentenced 13 yrs RI and 100 cr fine. (Read More 1 2 Timeline 3)

Mayawati’s Taj Corridor- 175 crores alleged scam – Case was dropped in 2007 by the pecial designated court due to insufficient evidence (Read more 1 Is Politics such a high paying profession ? 2 May 2008 -Mayawati attempts to stop CBI investigation 3)

Motilal Goel Scam – 1000 crore

February 2005

West Bengal Telecom Scam – 400 crores

India’s unchecked textbooks racket – estimated 225 crores

Urea Scam – 133 crores

March 2005

Meghalaya lottery scam - 25000 crore

April 2005

Ration Card Scam – 3 crore

Car Financing Scam – ? crore

Junior Basic Trained teachers’ recruitment scam- ?

May 2005

Flood Relief Scam – 13 crores (

Let them eat plastic bags – Gautam Goswami

June 2005

Temple Lands Scam – 30 crores

Franking Scam – 30 crores

July 2005

Volkswagon Equity Scam – 11 crores – Sep 10 – CBI names 6 accused

National Slum Development Programme – 1.52 crores (Same guy of Flood Relief Scam May 05 who said “Victims can eat plastic bags”)

Kerala State Electricity Board – 89.32 crores (alleged corruption worth Rs. 100 crores was also involved in the drinking water project)

August 2005

Indian Oil Corporation Scam – ? crores

September 2005

Just talks of investigation of scam shaves off 89000 crores from the market capital

CBI nets 70 officials in all-India anti-corruption drive

Nagmani Scam – 1.5crore

Stamp Scam (Goa) - 30.19 crore

October 2005

Evasion of duty on High End Car’s – ? crore

Okhla Industrial Development Authority (Noida) land scam – ? crore

Employment Guarantee Scheme (EGS) Scam- 9.1 crore

Delivering a talk on Corruption in democratic governance, Pandey said that “At present, the total amount of black money in India has been estimated to be in the range of Rs 50,000 crore and Rs 1,00,000 crore. The most worrisome is the fact that even those quarters that are supposed to fight corruption are not totally corruption-resistant”.

Read more: ‘Black money behind politics’

November 2005

Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) Scam – ? crores

National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India (NAFED) Scam – 250 crores – Sep 2007 – HC pulls up CBI for not registering case

“I am pained to observe that the law in this country punishes very harshly the small offenders involved in offences of stealing of small amounts to the tune of few hundreds or few thousands. ”Such accused are often sent to jail by the big fishes who defraud the exchequer of crores of rupees…they are dealt with by investigating agencies in a different manner and the law does not act with the same harshness to these offenders,” Justice Dhingra observed in a recent order. ”This attitude of the investigating agencies is beyong comprehension,” he said while directing the CBI to register a case against Pankaj Aggarwal, the alleged mastermind in the scam. Aggarwal has his business in Dubai.

December 2005

Election Fund Scam – ? Crores

Operation Blackboard scam – 1000 crores

Oil for Food Scam – ?

January 2006

Rice Scam – 320 crores

Benami Demat Scam – 30 crores (Sanjay Pandey the same guy in cobbler scam pre 2005)

February 2006

Benami IPO Scam – 32 crores

Liquor Scam – 3600 crores

March 2006

Jaitley an MP who allegedly bailed out Ketan Parekh in Madhavpura Mercantile Co-operative Bank scam case (see Pre 2005 list) one of the biggest scammers enjoys a lavish lifestyle.

The controversial Scorpene Deal – ? crores

April 2006

MTNL GSM Scam – 450 crore

May 2006

Chautala Scam – 1400 crores

BPL Red Cards Scam – 1400 crores

June 2006

The Great Wheat Scam – ?

UTI Franchisee forgery – ? crores

Punjab State Council of Education Research and Training (SCERT) Scam – more than 3 crores

July 2006

BPO Scam – more than 3 crore

Bellary bribe – 150 crore

Duty Exemption Pass Book (DEPB) scheme Scam – 10 crore

August 2006

Unaccounted money on sale of petrol pumps – 18 crores

Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh goes on a multi-crore holiday extravaganza – 2.5 crores

Tata Finance scandal – ? crores

September 2006

Top Punjab cops booked for wireless sets scam – 5 crores

Koda Scandal – 2500 crores – Nov 09 – First arrest made Feb 10 – 1 crore ceized , Ujjawal Chaudhary, senior Income Tax (I-T) officer who was going to reveal connections with politicians and hawals traders abruptly shifted

Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh in real estate fraud – more than 2100 crores (See Aug 2006)

Earlier, all of them had got anticipatory bail from the Punjab and Haryana High Court. Today, they moved regular bail applications. A senior counsel of the Supreme Court appearing on behalf of Captain Amarinder Singh had stressed before the court that his client be granted regular bail till the conclusion of the trial.

“We are discussing legal recourse to be taken in the Apex Court. We may even file public interest litigation before the Supreme Court asking for intervention in the case. It is a mockery of the law we are witnessing in the case. Scores of witnesses are going back on their words. We may even demand the CBI inquiry into the change of stance by the witnesses,” – Report of Jan 2008

October 2006

West Bengal State Consumer’s Federation Ltd (CONFED) Paddy Scam – ? crore

SEZ Controversies – RBI fears of a revenue loss — some Rs. 170,000 crore over the next five years by way of income tax, excise and customs duties foregone (based on a NIPF study). Read More 1

Dharmesh Doshi, Madhavpura Cooperative Bank scam – 1030 crores

Barak Missile Deal – 400 crore – The CBI case alleges that Rs 2 crore were paid to the president of a political party (Jaya Jaitley), who functioned from the residence of the then Defence Minister (George Fernandes). March 2008 Nandas claim innocence

Blood Test Kit Scam – ?

November 2006

Bangalore Development Authority and Bangalore Mahanagara Palike on illegal constructions – 180 crore

NSDL and CDSL bags illegitimate profits in an IPO manipulation scam – 116 crore

December 2006

SMS Con – 40-100 crore (

Agrofed job scam – ? crore

Haj Quota scam- bribes taken to illegally procure seats from the Government’s subsidised Haj quota for 1 lakh muslims.

January 2007

Illegal Telephone Exchanges Scam – 1000 crores

Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) Scam – swindled 12,000 crores of small investors before leaving the state

Karnataka State Government to award a meagre cash prize (Rs. 2,000) to Jayant Tinaikar, who reportedly exposed the fake stamp paper scam 12 years ago.

February 2007

Uranium Corporation of India Limited Scam – 20 crores

Oriental Bank Scam – 596.44 crores

Mandankumar Scam – 3.5 crores

March 2007

Pune Hassan Ali Khan Scam – 50 crores - I-T department, ED, and IB estimates that several thousand crore rupees were routed out of India(possibly swiss banks) through havala and banking channels. (Read More 1 2)

Congress MP Moni Kumar Subba from Tezpur, lied about his Indian nationality for 16 years manages to scam the country off by 25000 crores

There is little chance of recovery in most of these cases as there are not many assets to recover the arrears, officials claimed.

April 2007

Air Ticket Booking Scam – 13 crores

The Royapettah Benefit Fund (RBF) in Chennai went bust drowning Rs 450 crore and leaving investors and depositors in the lurch a company allowed to operate by RBI.

Fertilizers Subsidies Scam – ? crores

May 2007

Arunachal Pradesh’s corrupt governance: 1000 crores (Read more Misappropriation under former CM Gegong Apang and present incumbent Dorjee Khandu) Aug 10 - Apang arrested

There were a number of cases regarding mismanagement in the Public Distribution System. People in the villages were not getting enough food allotted by the Centre. Cooperative rural banking scams affected small depositors like labourers and teachers. The hydel power sector was also in doldrums.

Sampoorn Gramin Rojgar Yogana Scam – 457 crores . Dec 07 – Scam referred to CBI.

A muti-crore scam under which the poor were deprived of foodgrains under the state scheme. A systematic loot was taking place in the state and the government was not willing to give permission for holding a CBI probe into the scam running into crores of rupees.

Warehouse Receipts Scandal – 500 crores

July 2007

Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL) Scam – ?

Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) Scam – ?

Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) recruitment scam – 8 crores

Three judges of the High Court were found taking favours from Ravi Sidhu, former PPSC chairman. On April 19, 2004, 25 sitting judges of the High Court had gone on mass leave protesting Chief Justice B K Roy’s move to seek an explanation from two judges, Justice Vinay Mittal and Varinder Singh, who had allegedly applied for membership of a private golf course, Forest Hill Resort Club. The club was involved in litigation and was later demolished on the orders of the High Court. The club was illegally constructed in complete violation of Forest and Environment laws. Honorary memberships were given to IAS officers and the two judges to legitimise the illegalities

August 2007

Delhi Development Authority canteen owner Ashok Malhotra owned more than 50 cars and 10 motorcycles were recovered, all bearing special VIP number plates. Raid unearthed 5000 land documents, ? crores

Former Supreme Court Chief Justice YK Sabharwal was involved in dubious judicial deal-making that earned his sons huge profits. – ? crores

September 2007

Kerala State Cooperative Bank Scam – 2000 crores

Aircraft Import Scam – 1059 crores

Leave Travel Concession (LTC) Scam – loss of Rs 200 crore to Government and PSUs.

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Land Scam – ? crores

‘ISRO comes directly under the prime minister and it is they who have to launch an inquiry and not us. If they are ready for it, then the state government will provide all necessary help,’ – Kerala Chief Minister V.S. Achuthanandan

October 2007

Das filed the petition challenging the actions of the banks in waiving of around Rs 2,300 crore of public money arbitrarily without any valid reason. Describing this as the largest single waiver in the history of Indian banking industry.

Fake housing projects in north India – 500 crores - Y S Rana from Delhi. Rana was the owner of PS&G Developers and Engineers Ltd arrested by EOW.

Kidney Transplant Racket – ? crores more than a 1000 victims. (Read more 1 2 3 4bar)

Many innocent labourers lost their kidney in lure of money and job.The racket is believed to be spread in various states, including Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan, Haryana, Delhi and Maharashtra. Source

Coal India Ltd illegally diverted at least Rs10 crore from the funds it had collected for over a decade and meant for the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF).

Part of the funds collected at the time of the Kargil war for the NDF have been transmitted as late as 27 August 2007, after the initiation of this inquiry.” The Kargil war happened in 1999.

December 2007

Funds collected for victims of the Kargil war, Orissa cyclone and Gujarat earthquake were misused by top IAS officers in Punjab – the documents prove that officers posted as deputy commissioners in Ludhiana, Patiala and Sangrur misappropriated and misused crores of money while heading the Red Cross societies in their districts.

Lucknow Development Authority (LDA) Land Scam – 6 crores

January 2008

Punjab VB arrests whistle-blower

Punjab vigilance bureau is penny wise and pound foolish. A sub-divisional officer (SDO) who blew the whistle on a scam worth crores was arrested by the bureau in an alleged graft case (see pre 2005 SNC Lavalin). While the SDO has been suspended, his own report on the utilisation of border area funds — exposing what is probably the tip of the iceberg — is gathering dust.

February 2008

Kolkotta Museum Scam – 18 crores

One of the biggest repositories of the country’s cultural and historical heritage, has been siphoning off crores of rupees under the pretext of preserving priceless artifacts, a probe has found.

March 2008

Senior Punjab IAS officer suspended for going out of his way to help a company by hiring it without inviting tenders and extending advances without proper bank guarantees. The company failed to repay, causing loss of Rs 20 crore to the corporation.

KPMG – India is “fraud haven”

April 2008

BCCI Dalmiya Scam – ? crores

Illegal export of sandalwood – 5 crores

June 2008

Madhya Pradesh Health Minister Ajay Vishnoi quits after Income Tax raid on brother’s premises – 500 crore

Hotel Le Meridien Credit card skimming – 1 crore

July 2008

Parliamentary horse trading – ? crores

Ghaziabad Provident Fund scam – 23 crores – involved 83 accused included 36 judges, including one sitting Supreme Court judge, 11 High Court judges and 24 judges of subordinate judiciary. Beneficiaries of the ill-gotten money which was siphoned off fraudulently on the basis of fake documents and fictitious government servants and withdrawal of crores of rupees from the provident fund account of third and fourth-grade employees in Ghaziabad region between 2001 and 2008.(Read more 1) Chief Justice of India KG Balakrishnan denied heading the bench hearing (Read more 1) Dec 08 - CBI says it would seek permission to interrogate the judges. Oct – 09 – Key accused dies of heart attack while in custody Jul 10 No evidence against 17 out 41 judges and 24 remaining judges

Ghaziabad police sought permission from the Chief Justice of India and Allahabad Court to initiate a probe against the judges accused in this scam. While the Allahabad High Court dismissed the petition summarily, at the Supreme Court, Chief Justice K. Balakrishnan handled the request with remarkable astuteness and ordered a novel method of investigation that would protect the prestige and the reputation of the judiciary as far as possible.

August 2008

Fake Currency Scam in Uttar Pradesh Bank – 1.5 crores

September 2008

Fake RBI Cheques Scam – 14 crores

October 2008

Shirdi Ghat Repair – ? crores

November 2008

Mid Day Meal Scam – 15.37 crores

2G Spectrum Scam – 1,76,000 crores Dec 08 – Center claims that charges are baseless (Read more 1 2 3 4)

Satyam Computer’s Emergency Management Research Institute (EMRI) Ambulance Services Scam – 5600 crores

December 2008

E-ticketing fraud – 5 crores

January 2009

11 Directors of National Agricultural Marketing Federation of India (Nafed) face criminal action in a Rs3,700 crore fraud.

Satyam Fraud – 7 to 14000 crores – Pricewaterhouse Coopers saw no fraud in Satyam – Nov 09 CBI arrested Satyam’s internal audit head V S Prabhakar Gupta for allegedly fabricating account books, just days before it is due to file a second chargesheet in the multi-crore fraud at the IT firm. Jul 10 – Promoters wrongfully gained 2643 crores (Read more 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

Reports said that investors like DSP Merrill Lynch, DSP Blackrock, ILFS Financial Services and Deutsche Bank offloaded their shares days before Satyam fraud came out in open.

[caption id="attachment_899" align="aligncenter" width="271" caption="Satyam Scam Timeline"][/caption]

May 2009

Computer Purchasing Fraud – 1.53 crores

Divine Homeopath Investment Manager – 1600 crore

Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) arms deal scam – ? crores - Jul 10 - 6 firms get blacklisted

Dr A S Bindra father of ace shooter Abhinav Bindra and managing director of Punjab Meats Limited, Dera Bassion had charges of cheating, fraud and forgery. He committed fraud with a Delhi-based private financial company, Apple India, to the tune of Rs 4.31 crore and with the IndusInd Bank to the tune of Rs 5 crore. (Read more 1)

June 2009

Ashok Jadeja Divine Ayurved and Money Multiplier – 100 to 1600 crores (Read more 1)

MCD 45000 Fake Employees Scam – 500-1000 crores annually

July 2009

Bitumen Scam – more than 100 crores

Chhattisgarh Paddy Scam – 4000 crores

August 2009

All India Council of Technical Education bribery scam – ? crores – Chairman R.A. Yadav, who drew a monthly salary of about Rs 80,000, had amassed property worth crores.

Metal Scrap Scam – ? crores

SBI Kanpur – 52 crores - Assistant General Manager, 2 Chief Managers and some senior managers, who were suspected to be directly involved in pilfering the bank by crediting fake cheques into select accounts.

September 2009

Austra Coke – 1000 crores

Bollywood star Nasir Khan figures in multi crore rupee chit fund scam – 191 crore

October 2009

Gold Quest Scam – 1100 crore

December 2009

Dr Suresh Dhotre medicine fraud – 47 crores

January 2010

IAS officer Pradeep Sharma Bheed Bazaar Land allotment scam – 70 crores

Railways and LIC Scam – 400 crores

February 2010

Bhopal Home Loan Scam – 2 crores

Wipro Embezzlement Fraud – 180 crores

Chak De India Scam – ?

PAN Card Scam – 3 crores

March 2010

Kandla Port Trust (KPT) Scam – ? crores – 16000 acres of land was leased out to few parties at nominal rates.

Fake Income Tax Returns Scam – 6 crores

April 2010

President of the Medical Council of India (MCI), Dr Ketan Desai in college scam – 500 crores - Demanded Rs 40 lakh from students seeking admission in a capitation fee racket and money for allotting seat as a management quota student. (Read more 1 2)

Financial Fraud hits 87% of Indian companies

[caption id="attachment_888" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Perception of Fraud in India"][/caption]

June 2010

Canara Bank defrauded – 9.14 crore

Railway Recruitment Board Paper Leak – 15.5 crore (Read more 1 2)

July 2010

Lalit Modi Indian Premier League (IPL) Scam – 1200 crores (Read more 1)

August 2010

Commonwealth Games Scam - 8000 crores (Read more 1 2)

September 2010

Senior citizen savings scheme (SCSS) Post Office Scam - 2 crores (Read more 1)

October 2010

International Film Festival of India (IFFI) Infrastructure creation Scam in Goa - ? crores

Adarsh Society Scam – ? crores

November 2010

State-owned Mineral Scrap Trading Corporation (MSTC) was defrauded by jewelery traders – 1400 crores

December 2010

Citibank swindle – 300 crores (

"As per the immigration authorities IGI , on June 08 2011

Following people left to Jurich (Switzerland) in a private jet,

1. Smt. Sonia Gandhi
2. Rahul Gandhi
3. Suman Dubey ( Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, one of the most staunch Gandhi Loyalist former right hand man of Rajiv Gandhi)
4. Robert Vadera
5. Vincent George (He is the personal secretary of Sonia Gandhi)...
and 12 other people who wrote their profession as financial consultant..................."

जब श्वेजर इलस्ट्रेटे ने यह आरोप लगाया कि सोनिया गांधी ने राजीव गांधी द्वारा घूस में लिए गए पैसे को राहुल गांधी के खाते में रखा है तो मां-बेटे में से किसी ने न तो विरोध किया और न ही इस पत्रिका के खिलाफ कोई कानूनी कार्रवाई की।
राजनीति में राजीव गांधी ने सबसे खतरनाक गलती क्या की थी? यह बताने में दिमाग पर ज्यादा जोर नहीं पड़ना चाहिए कि उनकी सबसे बड़ी गलती खुद ईमानदार होने का दावा करते हुए अपने को मिस्टर क्लीन के तौर पर पेश करना थी। यह उनके लिए घातक साबित हुआ। इंदिरा गांधी उनसे अलग थीं। जब उनसे उनकी सरकार के भ्रष्टाचार के बारे में सवाल किया गया तो उन्होंने कहा कि यह तो पूरी दुनिया में चल रहा है। यह बात 1983 की है। दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालय के एक न्यायाधीश ने इसके बाद यह कहा था कि जब इतने उच्च पद पर बैठने वाला इसे तर्कसंगत बता रहा है तो ऐसे में आखिर भ्रष्टाचार पर काबू कैसे पाया जाएगा। इन बातों का नतीजा यह हुआ कि इंदिरा गांधी पर कभी किसी ने भ्रष्टाचार का आरोप नहीं लगाया। क्योंकि उन्होंने कभी यह दावा नहीं किया कि वह ईमानदार हैं। पर इसके उलट राजीव गांधी ने अपनी ईमानदारी के दावे कर खुद को कड़ी निगरानी में ला दिया। राजीव गांधी की ईमानदारी की पोल 1989 में बोफोर्स मामले पर खुल गई और जनता ने इसकी सजा देते हुए उन्हें और कांग्रेस को सत्ता से बेदखल कर दिया। सियासी लोगों के लिए इस घटना ने यह सीख दी कि अगर आप ईमानदार नहीं हैं तो कभी ईमानदारी के दावे मत कीजिए। पर यह सीख खुद गांधी परिवार को याद नहीं है। इस मामले में सोनिया गांधी ने इंदिरा गांधी के सुरक्षित रास्ते को न चुनकर राजीव गांधी के घातक रास्ते पर चलने का फैसला किया है। इसके नतीजे भी उनके लिए दुखदायी होने की ही उम्मीद है। तो क्या 1987 से 1989 के बीच की राजनीति का एक बार फिर दुहराव होने वाला है?
इंदिरा को भूलकर राजीव की राह चलने वाली सोनिया गांधी ने 2010 के नवंबर में इलाहाबाद में हुई पार्टी की एक रैली में भ्रष्टाचार को बिल्कुल बर्दाश्त नहीं करने यानि जीरो टालरेंस की बात कही थी। इसके कुछ दिनों बाद ही जब दिल्ली में कांग्रेस अधिवेशन हुआ तो सोनिया गांधी ने फिर यही बात दोहराई। उन्होंने कहा कि उनकी पार्टी ने कभी भी भ्रष्ट लोगों को नहीं बख्शा है क्योंकि भ्रष्टाचार से विकास बाधित होता है। इसी तरह का भाषण राजीव गांधी ने 25 साल पहले मुंबई अधिवेशन में दिया था। इस मसले पर राजीव दो मामलों में सोनिया से अलग थे। जब राजीव गांधी ने खुद को मिस्टर क्लीन कहा था उस वक्त ऐसा कोई घोटाला नहीं था जिसकी वजह से उन्हें रक्षात्मक होना पड़े। पर सोनिया ने तो राष्ट्रमंडल, आदर्श और 2जी स्पेक्ट्रम घोटाले के बीच ईमानदार होने का दावा किया है। दूसरी बात यह कि राजीव ने बिल्कुल शून्य से शुरुआत की थी और उनकी मिस्टर क्लीन की छवि को खत्म करने का काम तो बोफोर्स घोटले ने किया था। इसके विपरीत सोनिया गांधी के खिलाफ घूसखोरी के तौर पर अरबों डालर लेकर स्विस बैंक खातों में जमा करने की बात पहले ही सामने आ चुकी है। इसमें बोफोर्स सौदे में क्वात्रोचि से मिले लाखों डॉलर शामिल नहीं हैं। स्विट्जरलैंड की एक प्रतिष्ठित पत्रिका और रूस के एक खोजी पत्रकार ने सोनिया गांधी के परिवार पर घूसखोरी में लिप्त होने के कई सबूत जुटाकर सबके सामने रखा है। इस बात के दो दशक बीत जाने के बाद भी सोनिया ने आरोपों का न तो खंडन किया है और न ही खुलासा करने वालों के खिलाफ कोई कानूनी कार्रवाई नहीं की है। इसकी पृष्ठभूमि में सोनिया गांधी की वह बात ढकोसला मालूम पड़ती है जिसमें उन्होंने भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ लड़ाई लड़ने की बात कही है। दरअसल, कहानी कुछ इस प्रकार है।

अरब डॉलर से 11 अरब डॉलर!
स्विस बैंक में सोनिया गांधी के अरबों डालर जमा होने की बात खुद स्विट्जरलैंड में ही उजागर हुई। यही वह देश है जहां दुनिया भर के भ्रष्टाचारी लूट का धन रखते हैं। स्विट्जरलैंड की सबसे लोकप्रिय पत्रिका श्वेजर इलस्ट्रेटे ने अपने 19 नवंबर, 1991 के एक अंक में एक खास रिपोर्ट प्रकाशित की। इसमें विकासशील देशों के ऐसे 13 नेताओं का नाम था जिन्होंने भ्रष्ट तरीके से अर्जित किए पैसे को स्विस बैंक में जमा कर रखा था। इसमें राजीव गांधी का नाम भी था। श्वेजर इलस्ट्रेटे कोई छोटी पत्रिका नहीं है बल्कि इसकी 2.15 लाख प्रतियां बिकती हैं और इसके पाठकों की संख्या 9.17 लाख है। यह संख्या स्विट्जरलैंड की कुल वयस्क आबादी का छठा हिस्सा है। केजीबी के रिकार्ड्स का हवाला देते हुए पत्रिका ने लिखा, ”पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री राजीव गांधी की विधवा सोनिया गांधी अपने नाबालिग बेटे के नाम पर एक गुप्त खाते का संचालन कर रही हैं जिसमें ढाई अरब स्विस प्रफैंक यानि 2.2 अरब डालर हैं।राहुल गांधी 1988 के जून में बालिग हुए थे। इसलिए यह खाता निश्चित तौर पर इसके पहले ही खुला होगा। अगर इस रकम को आज के रुपए में बदला जाए तो यह 10,000 करोड़ रुपये के बराबर बैठती है। स्विस बैंक अपने ग्राहकों के पैसे को दबा कर नहीं रखता है, बल्कि इसका निवेश करता है। सुरक्षित दीर्घ अवधि वाली योजनाओं में निवेश करने पर यह रकम 2009 तक बढ़कर 9.41 अरब डालर यानी 42,345 करोड़ रुपये हो जाती है। अगर इसे अमेरिकी शेयर बाजार में लगाया गया होगा तो यह 58,365 करोड़ रुपए हो गई होगी। यदि घूस की इस रकम को आधा दीर्घावधि निवेश योजनाओं में और आधा शेयर बाजार में लगाया गया होगा, जिसकी पूरी संभावना है, तो यह रकम 50,355 करोड़ रुपए हो जाती है। अगर इस पैसे को शेयर बाजार में लगाया गया होता तो 2008 की वैश्विक आर्थिक मंदी से पहले यह रकम 83,900 करोड़ रुपए होती। किसी भी तरह से हिसाब लगाने पर 2.2 अरब डालर की वह रकम आज 43,000 करोड़ रुपए से 84,000 करोड़ रुपए के बीच ठहरती है।
केजीबी दस्तावेज
सोनिया गांधी के खिलाफ कहीं ज्यादा गंभीर तरीके से मामले को उजागर किया रूस की खुफिया एजेंसी केजीबी ने। एजेंसी के दस्तावेजों में यह दर्ज है कि गांधी परिवार ने केजीबी से घूस के तौर पर पैसे लिए। प्रख्यात खोजी पत्रकार येवगेनिया अलबतस ने अपनी किताब दि स्टेट विदिन ए स्टेट: दि केजीबी एंड इट्स होल्ड ऑन रसिया-पास्ट, प्रजेंट एंड फ्यूचरमें लिखा है, ”एंद्रोपोव की जगह लेने वाले नए केजीबी प्रमुख विक्टर चेब्रीकोव के दस्तखत वाले 1982 के एक पत्र में लिखा है-यूएसएसआर केजीबी ने भारत के प्रधानमंत्री राजीव गांधी के बेटे से संबंध बना रखे हैं। आर गांधी ने इस बात पर आभार जताया है कि सोवियत कारोबारी संगठनों के सहयोग से वह जो कंपनी चला रहे हैं, उसके कारोबारी सौदों का लाभ प्रधानमंत्री के परिवार को मिल रहा है। आर. गांधी ने बताया है कि इस चैनल के जरिए प्राप्त होने वाले पैसे का एक बड़ा हिस्सा आर गांधी की पार्टी की मदद के लिए खर्च किया जा रहा है।” (पृष्ठ 223)। अलबतस ने यह भी उजागर किया है कि दिसंबर, 2005 में केजीबी प्रमुख विक्टर चेब्रीकोव ने सोवियत संघ की कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी की केन्द्रीय समिति से राजीव गांधी के परिवार को अमेरिकी डालर में भुगतान करने की अनुमति मांगी थी। राजीव गांधी के परिवार के तौर पर उन्होंने सोनिया गांधी, राहुल गांधी और सोनिया गांधी की मां पाओला मैनो का नाम दिया था। अलबतस की किताब आने से पहले ही रूस की मीडिया ने पैसे के लेनदेन के मामले को उजागर कर दिया था। इसके आधार पर 4 जुलाई 1992 को दि हिंदू में एक रिपोर्ट प्रकाशित हुई जिसमें कहा गया, ”रूस की विदेशी खुफिया सेवा इस संभावना को स्वीकार करती है कि राजीव गांधी के नियंत्रण वाली कंपनी को फायदा पहुंचाने के लिए केजीबी ने उन्हें सोवियत संघ से लाभ वाले ठेके दिलवाए हों।
भारतीय मीडिया
राजीव गांधी की हत्या की वजह से उस वक्त भारतीय मीडिया में स्विट्जरलैंड और रूस के खुलासों की चर्चा नहीं हो पाई। पर जब सोनिया गांधी ने कांग्रेस की कमान संभाली तो भारतीय मीडिया की दिलचस्पी इस मामले में बढ़ गई। जाने-माने स्तंभकार एजी नूरानी ने इन दोनों खुलासों के आधार पर 31 दिसंबर 1998 को स्टेट्समैन में लिखा था। सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी ने श्वेजर इलस्ट्रेटे और अलबतस की किताब के पन्नों को स्कैन कर अपनी जनता पार्टी की वेबसाइट पर डाला है। इसमें पत्रिका का वह ई-मेल भी शामिल है जिसमें इस बात की पुष्टि है कि पत्रिका ने 1991 के नवंबर अंक में राजीव गांधी के बारे में एक रिपोर्ट प्रकाशित की थी। जब सोनिया गांधी ने 27 अप्रैल, 2009 को मैंगलोर में यह कहा कि स्विस बैंक में जमा भारतीय काले धन को वापस लाने के लिए कांग्रेस कदम उठा रही है तब मैंने 29 अप्रैल, 2009 को इन तथ्यों को शामिल करते हुए एक लेख न्यू इंडियन एक्सप्रेस में लिखा। काला धन वापस लाने के सोनिया गांधी के दावे के संदर्भ में इस लेख में उनके परिवार के भ्रष्टाचार पर सवाल उठाया गया। जाने-माने पत्रकार राजिंदर पुरी ने 15 अगस्त 2006 को केजीबी के खुलासों पर एक लेख लिखा था। इंडिया टुडे के 27 दिसंबर, 2010 के अंक में राम जेठमलानी ने स्विट्जरलैंड में हुए खुलासे की बात कहते हुए यह सवाल उठाया कि वह पैसा अब कहां है? साफ है कि भारतीय मीडिया ने इन दोनों खुलासों पर बीच-बीच में लेख प्रकाशित किया। माकपा सांसद अमल दत्ता ने 7 दिसंबर, 1991 को 2.2 अरब डालर के मसले को संसद में उठाया था, लेकिन उस वक्त लोकसभा के अध्यक्ष रहे शिवराज पाटिल ने राजीव गांधी का नाम कार्यवाही से निकलवा दिया था।
संदेह का घेरा
सवाल यह उठता है कि इन दोनों खुलासों पर सोनिया गांधी और 1988 में बालिग हुए राहुल गांधी ने क्या जवाब दिया? जवाब है कुछ नहीं। सच कहा जाए तो इन खुलासों से ज्यादा गांधी परिवार की चुप्पी ने उनकी छवि को नुकसान पहुंचाने का काम किया है। जब श्वेजर इलस्ट्रेटे ने यह आरोप लगाया कि सोनिया गांधी ने राजीव गांधी द्वारा घूस में लिए गए पैसे को राहुल गांधी के खाते में रखा है, तो मां-बेटे में से किसी ने न तो इसका विरोध किया और न ही इस पत्रिका के खिलाफ कोई कानूनी कार्रवाई की। मां-बेटे ने न ही 1998 में इस मामले पर लेख लिखने वाले एजी नूरानी के खिलाफ कोई कदम उठाया और न ही संबंधित दस्तावेज 2002 में अपनी वेबसाइट पर डालने वाले सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी के खिलाफ कुछ किया। न ही उन्होंने मेरे या एक्सप्रेस के खिलाफ 2009 के अप्रैल में इन तथ्यों पर आधारित लेख छापने के लिए कोई कानूनी कार्रवाई की। जब 1992 में रूस में केजीबी से संबंधित खुलासे की खबर दि हिंदू और टाइम्स आफ इंडिया ने प्रकाशित की, उस वक्त भी किसी गांधी ने कोई शिकायत नहीं की। न ही किसी गांधी ने येवगेनिया अलबतस के खिलाफ कोई कानूनी कार्रवाई की जिन्होंने 1994 में केजीबी और राजीव गांधी के बीच पैसे के लेनदेन के बारे में लिखा। न ही इन लोगों ने 15 अगस्त, 2006 को ऐसा लेख लिखने वाले राजिंदर पुरी के खिलाफ कोई कदम उठाया। हालांकि, 2007 में सोनिया के कुछ वफादार लोगों ने उनकी प्रतिष्ठा बचाने के लिए अमेरिका में बड़े अनमने ढंग से एक मुकद्दमा जरूर दर्ज कराया था। ऐसा तब हुआ जब वहां के कुछ प्रवासी भारतीयों ने अलबतस के खुलासों के आधार पर पूरे पन्ने का विज्ञापन न्यूयार्क टाइम्स में छपवाया। वे सोनिया गांधी की सच्चाई को अमेरिका वालों के सामने रखना चाहते थे। अमेरिकी अदालत ने इस मुकद्दमे को तुरंत खारिज कर दिया क्योंकि सोनिया गांधी खुद अपने नाम से मुकद्दमा दर्ज कराने की हिम्मत नहीं जुटा सकीं। आश्चर्य की बात यह है कि इस मुकद्दमें में भी स्विस बैंक में 2.2 अरब डालर होने की बात को चुनौती नहीं दी गई थी।
अगर मान लिया जाए कि ये दोनों खुलासे आधारहीन हैं और गांधी परिवार ईमानदार है तो ऐसे में उनकी ओर से कैसी प्रतिक्रिया होनी चाहिए थी? ईमानदार आदमी की प्रतिक्रिया वैसी ही होती है जैसी मोरारजी देसाई ने दी थी। जब पुलित्जर पुरस्कार विजेता खोजी पत्रकार सेमोर हेर्स ने अपनी किताब में यह आरोप लगाया कि भारतीय कैबिनेट में मोरारजी सीआईए एजेंट थे तो 87 साल के बूढ़े और रिटायर्ड मोरारजी देसाई ने न सिर्फ गुस्से का इजहार किया बल्कि एक मानहानि का मुकद्दमा भी दर्ज कराया। मोरारजी देसाई के मरने के पांच साल बाद अमेरिकन स्पेक्टेटर में रेल जेन आइजैक ने लिखा कि हेर्स चरित्र हनन करने में माहिर थे और हेनरी किसिंजर को नीचा दिखाने के लिए उन्होंने मोरारजी को निशाना बना लिया। जब मोरारजी के मानहानि मुकद्दमे पर सुनवाई शुरू हुई तो 93 साल की उम्र वाले मोरारजी अमेरिका जाने में सक्षम नहीं थे और उनकी जगह पर किसिंजर ने जाकर हेर्स के दावों को खारिज किया। कहने का मतलब है कि अगर कोई ईमादार होता है तो अपनी उम्र का ख्याल न करते हुए खुद पर लगाए जा रहे आरोपों पर प्रतिक्रिया देता है। संप्रग की अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी ने अब तक इस मसले पर कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं दी है। यह तब जब वे पूरी तरह से सक्रिय हैं, न कि मोरारजी देसाई की तरह सेवानिवृत्त और बुजुर्ग। जब स्विस पत्रिका में यह मामला उजागर हुआ था तो उनकी उम्र महज 41 साल थी। अगर सोनिया और राहुल के बजाए इन दोनों खुलासों में भाजपा के लालकृष्ण आडवाणी और नरेंद्र मोदी का नाम होता तो भारतीय मीडिया और सोनिया गांधी की सरकार उन्हें सलाखों के पीछे भेजने के लिए क्या नहीं करती।

लाख करोड़ रुपए की लूट
स्विस बैंक में गांधी परिवार के अरबों रुपए का मामला विदेशी गुमनाम खातों में जमा भारतीय पैसे को वापस लाने से जुड़ा हुआ है। भारत को छोड़कर दुनिया के सभी देशों ने स्विस बैंक और इसकी तरह अन्य बैंकों में जमा काले धन को वापस लाने में दिलचस्पी दिखाई है। पर भारत ने इस काम में कोई खास दिलचस्पी नहीं दिखाई। आखिर ऐसा क्यों?

में हुए लोकसभा चुनावों के दौरान भाजपा नेता लाल कृष्ण आडवाणी ने यह कहा था कि अगर वे सत्ता में आते हैं तो विदेशों में जमा काले धन को वापस लाएंगे। विदेशों में भारत का 500 अरब डालर से लेकर 1400 अरब डालर के बीच काला धन जमा होने का अनुमान है। कांग्रेस ने इतनी रकम होने की बात को शुरुआत में नकार दिया था। पर जब यह मामला तूल पकड़ने लगा तो मनमोहन सिंह और सोनिया गांधी ने भी यह कहा कि वे इस काले धन को वापस लाएंगे। वैश्विक स्तर पर काले धन के मसले पर काम करने वाली संस्था ग्लोबल फायनैंशियल इंटीग्रिटी (जीएफआई) ने भारत में हुई लूट के बारे में कहा है, ”1948 से लेकर 2008 के बीच भारत ने 213 अरब डालर काले धन के रूप में गंवाए हैं। यह कर चोरी, भ्रष्टाचार, घूसखोरी और आपराधिक गतिविधियों के जरिए किया गया है।ऐसे में क्या किसी को यह बताने में बहुत मुश्किल होगी कि आखिर कैसे सोनिया के परिवार के गुप्त खाते में 2.2 अरब डॉलर आए? जीएफआई के आंकड़े में 2जी और राष्ट्रमंडल खेलों के आयोजन के नाम पर हुई लूट तो शामिल ही नहीं है। अब ऐसे में इस बात पर विचार करना जरूरी हो जाता है कि सोनिया गांधी के गुप्त खाते की वजह से भारत का विदेशों में जमा काला धन वापस लाने की कोशिशों पर किस तरह का असर पड़ेगा?
लूटने वाले सुरक्षित
कुछ उदाहरणों से यह बात साफ हो जाएगी कि भारत सरकार किस तरह विदेशों में जमा भारत के काले धन को वापस लाने में दिलचस्पी नहीं ले रही है। 2008 के फरवरी में जर्मनी के सरकारी अधिकारियों ने यह जानकारी जुटाई की लिशेंस्टीन बैंक में दुनिया के कई देशों के नागरिकों ने कितना काला धन जमा किया है। जर्मनी के वित्त मंत्री ने उस वक्त कहा कि अगर दुनिया की कोई और सरकार काला धन जमा करने वाले अपने नागरिकों का नाम जानना चाहती है तो वे उसे ये नाम दे देंगे। मीडिया में कुछ ऐसी खबरें आईं जिनमें कहा गया कि लिशेंस्टीन बैंक से जिन खाताधारियों के नाम मिले हैं उनमें 250 भारतीय भी हैं। जर्मनी के खुले प्रस्ताव के बावजूद संप्रग सरकार ने इन नामों को जानने में कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं दिखाई। टाइम्स आफ इंडिया में भी उस समय एक खबर प्रकाशित हुई जिसमें बताया गया कि वित्त मंत्रालय और प्रधनमंत्री कार्यालय लिशेंस्टीन के खाताधारियों के नाम जानने में दिलचस्पी नहीं दिखा रहे हैं। इस बीच दबाव बढ़ने पर भारत सरकार ने नाम के लिए अनुरोध तो किया लेकिन खुले प्रस्ताव के बजाए जर्मनी के साथ हुए कर समझौते के तहत। आखिर दोनों में फर्क क्या है? फर्क यह है कि कर समझौते के तहत मिलने वाले नामों को गोपनीय रखा जाता है लेकिन खुले प्रस्ताव के तहत मिलने वाले नाम को सार्वजनिक किया जा सकता है। इससे साफ हो जाता है कि सरकार वैसे लोगों का नाम नहीं उजागर करना चाहती है जिन्होंने काला धन विदेशी बैंकों में जमा कर रखा है।
दूसरा सनसनीखेज मामला है हसन अली का। पुणे के इस कारोबारी के बारे में यह पाया गया कि वह 1.5 लाख करोड़ रुपए के स्विस खाते का संचालन कर रहा था। आयकर विभाग ने उस पर भारत का पैसा गलत ढंग से विदेशी खाते में रखने के लिए 71,848 करोड़ रुपए का कर लगाया। इस मामले में जानकारी हासिल करने के लिए स्विस सरकार को जो अनुरोध भेजा गया उसे इस तरह से तैयार किया गया कि सूचनाएं नहीं मिल सकें। हसन अली के साथ कई बड़े नामों के जुड़े होने की बात की जा रही है। सरकार आखिर क्यों नहीं इस मामले की गहराई से जांच करना चाहती है। हसन अली जैसे लोग ही भारत के भ्रष्ट लोगों का पैसा विदेशों में हवाला के जरिए पहुंचाते हैं। अगर हसन अली से जुड़ी सच्चाई सामने आ जाती है तो कई भ्रष्ट लोग नंगे हो जाएंगे। हमें यह भी समझना होगा कि सोनिया गांधी के अरबों डालर स्विस बैंक में होते हुए भारत के 462 अरब डालर की लूट की स्वतंत्र जांच नहीं हो सकती। सोनिया गांधी और राहुल गांधी ने चुनाव लड़ते वक्त जो हलफनामा दिया था उसके मुताबिक दोनों की संयुक्त संपत्ति सिर्फ 363 लाख रुपए है। सोनिया के पास कोई कार नहीं है। 19 नवंबर 2010 को सोनिया ने कहा कि भ्रष्टाचार और लोभ भारत में बढ़ रहा है। 19 दिसंबर 2010 को राहुल गांधी ने कहा कि भ्रष्ट लोगों को कठोर सजा दी जानी चाहिए।
सरकार के मन मे चोर है सरकार चोर है दुनिया खतरनाक है , उन लोगों की वजह से नहीं जो इसे नुकसान पहुंचाते हैं , उन लोगों के चलते जो चुप बैठे रहते हैं। हमे अएक जुट होकर सरकार के खिलाफ आवाज़ उठानी चाहिए. बाबा आगे बढ़ो. जो कमियाँ रह गयी या ग़लतियाँ हुई उन पर विचार करो, उनको दूर करो, अपनी टीम को मजबूत करो और अन्ना जैसों का साथ ले कर चलो. आपकी इतने वर्षों की तपस्या व्यर्थ नहीं जायेगी. सरकार का घमंड तो तोड़ना चाहिए चुनाव जीतने के बाद तो ये समझने लगते है जैसे इन्होने देश को ठेके पर पाँच साल के लिए छुड़वा लिया इसे लूटना इनका स्विधानिक हक है देश के कुछ गद्दार लोग बाबा के महान कार्यो के प्रति न केवल असहमति दर्शा रहे है अपितु उनको ठग और ना जाने क्या क्या बोल रहे है , निश्चित ही ऐसे लोग भ्रष्टाचारी है और उन्होने ही काला धन बाहर भेजा है ,
पूरा मीडिया इस समय सरकार के निर्देश पर बाबा को हरा हुआ साबित करने में जुटा है. कोई कहता है बाबा का अनशन फूसस हो गया, कोई कहता है टांय टांय फिसस हो गया, किसी ने कम्मेंट करने के लिए पता नहीं कैसे कैसे तथाकथित योगी बैठा रखे हैं जिन्हे योग का पहला सूत्र पता नहीं है. उनसे पूचछा जा रहा है की बाबा इतनी जल्दी कैसे हॉस्पिटल पहुँच गये. सब कुछ एक प्रायोजित तरीके से चल रहा है और सरकार सोच रही है कि वो सफल हो गयी कुप्राचार करने में, लेकिन में इतना जनता हूँ कि कांग्रेस को ज़्यादा दिन तक खुश होने का मौका नहीं मिलेगा. एक बहुत बड़ी जागृति इस अनशन से आई है जो निकट भविष्य में एक बहुत बड़ी क्रांति का सूत्रपात करेगी. भारत का स्वर्णिम समय अब शुरू होने वाला है. जागा भारत देश.. नया रंग ले ..नया रूप ले.. बदल पुराना वेश.. जागा भारत देश

Executive Summary


Indian Black Money Abroad

In Secret Banks and Tax Havens

Second Report


The Task Force on the steps to be taken by India


Shri Gurumurthy, Chartered Accountant, Chennai

Shri Ajit Doval, former Director Intelligence Bureau, Delhi

Prof R.Vaidyanathan, Professor of Finance Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore

Shri Mahesh Jethmalani, Senior Advocate, Mumbai

Submitted to


I. Developments since the First Interim Report

The first Interim Report of the Task Force appointed by the Bharatiya Janata Party was released to the public on 17-04-2009. Afterward different world governments, particularly those in the West, have increasingly begun targeting tax havens and intensely began pursuing black money. The US, and France particularly began a huge campaign against the evil of black money. The estimates black money lodged in tax havens by global financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund reached as high as $18 trillion. The instability in the global financial order itself was traced to the evil money. So the issue has now acquired a totally different dimension. [Para I]

II. Now, it is a national commitment by all; and yet…

Thus almost the entire political spectrum without exception – from the ruling UPA to the opposition NDA and all other opposition parties – has committed to the people of India to bring back the black money illegally stashed away abroad by Indians. So it is no more an exclusive issue of one party or another. The media has begun highlighting and pursuing the issue of black money stashed by Indians abroad as never before. With the stench of 2G spectrum scam and Commonwealth Games scam dominating of the national scene, the wealth stashed abroad is being increasingly linked to bribery and kickbacks. Despite what appears to be a national commitment, there is as yet no action on the ground to tackle this evil of black money abroad. [Para II]

III. Recent and ongoing global developments

1. IMF estimates global black money excluding Switzerland, China, Taiwan and Oil Exporting economies at $18 trillion; that still an underestimate, says IMF!

2. The US Government as well its Congress are most concerned about these tax havens due to the severe economic crisis faced by the country and also due to pressure from sections of economists etc to “clean up” the global financial system. There are also concerns regarding the financing of terror groups by some of the tainted money from tax havens. While powerful countries like the USA have used their geo-political power to arm-twist the Swiss banks to part with the information and recover their lost wealth and even coerce them and extract penalties for abetting in the evasion of tax by their citizens, the less powerful ones have sought and aroused empathetic public opinion to force the Swiss banks to part with the information about the wealth illegitimately stashed away by their corrupt rulers and recover the same, as explained now. [Para III]

IV. Chasing black money – the success stories of other countries:

In the last few years many countries in Europe as well as USA have taken several steps that included geo-political coercion, financial penalties and bribes, to secure information and get back their illegal funds from abroad. The USA forced and got names of more than US 4000 clients of UBS bank from Switzerland by sheer geo-political force, after persuasion first, threat next and related legal actions later. Similar is the story of France and Germany. The latter even officially bribed the Lichtenstein Bank officials to get the secret names of Germans and others who had stashed away their black wealth in LGT bank of Lichtenstein. It has also been successfully demonstrated by countries, which are comparatively less powerful and less influential in geo-politics that monies illegally stashed abroad by their corrupt leaders and businessmen could be recovered. They had been able to accomplish it by exposing and prosecuting the corrupt leaders of their countries who had stashed and secreted away their national wealth in Swiss banks and making their judiciary to seek the cooperation of Swiss government and banks. They had also appealed to the conscience of the world generating the empathy of the world. Recently, private, but publicly motivated, citizens of Tunisia were able to freeze the ill-gotten wealth of its rulers and their fellow buccaneers in Swiss banks. [Para IV]

V. The Indian scene – a contrast

In the background of how the world nations are pursuing the black wealth belonging to their nationals stashed away abroad, the Indian scene presents a depressing contrast. The leaders of the Congress which leads the UPA first denied the existence of such huge amount of illicit Indian wealth abroad; then they reluctantly accepted that fact which was becoming undeniable; then they promised that they would take efforts to recover the Indian wealth illegally stashed abroad; the President of India’s address to Parliament which in substance means the commitment of the UPA government to the people, in specific terms mentioned this commitment; but when it came to actually doing something to implement this commitment, there has been no action on the ground. In fact what is seen is an effort to prevaricate, procrastinate, and even bury the issue. The well-known and well-publicized instances of the existence of illegal Indian monies abroad – like the Hasan Ali case, Quattrocchi issue, the Lichtenstein Bank disclosures and the alleged secret Swiss banks accounts in the name of the family of the President of the Congress and the Chairperson of the UPA and National Advisory Council of the UPA government as detailed later in the Report -- have not only not been pursued, the government of the day is keen to bury them and is shamefully burying them to the view of the entire nation. More about these instances latter in this Report. [Para V]

VI. Indian black wealth abroad $500 billions, says Global Financial Integrity

The Global financial Integrity – a Non-profit research organization – working in the area of Tax Havens has estimated for India that the present value of illegal financial flows held abroad is $500 Billions. This means that almost three-quarters of the illicit assets comprising India's underground economy—which has been estimated to account for 50 percent of India's GDP (approximately $640 billion at the end of 2008)—ends up outside of the country. This seems to have settled the issue about the volume of the Indian black wealth abroad. [Para VI]

VII. “Bribes, corruption, kickbacks, criminal activities and tax evasion”

And what is the kind of money, which the GFI says has been hoarded abroad by Indians? This is what the GFI says about the character of the loot. “From 1948 through 2008, India lost a total of US $213 billion in illicit financial flows (or illegal capital flight)” through “tax evasion, corruption, bribery and kickbacks, and criminal activities”. Tax evasion is only one aspect of the illicit monies Indian nationals and corporates have hoarded abroad. There appears to be more intimate link between monies stashed away abroad and bribes, corruption, kickbacks and criminal activities. Still the government of India seems to be keen to treat the issue as a tax evasion issue only. [Para VII]

VIII. Not just tax evasion, but “theft” and “plunder” – says the Supreme Court

But on the 19th of January-2011 [Wednesday] the Supreme Court of India called the shameful phenomenon of Indian funds kept illegally abroad as “theft” and “plunder” and not treat it as merely tax avoidance. It also demanded an “action taken” report on all “faceless” Indians who had moved their ill-gotten money overseas. [Para VIII]

IX. Bribes as important source of Indian black monies stashed abroad

There are various categories of culprits. Some are traditional business leaders who have been accumulating money since the 50s; some are new rich entrepreneurs and politicians and bureaucrats who influence decision making for large global purchases. The third category is the money launderers for nefarious purposes including financing of terrorism. [Para IX]

X. The Indian government suppresses the basic facts about Indian black wealth abroad

First, the Indian government is keen to suppress the information relating to the issue of Illegal Indian monies abroad. The Enforcement Directorate is not inclined to reveal even the “total volume” of illegal Indian monies abroad to an applicant under the Right to Information Act. During the hearing at Chief Information Commissioner, Eneforcement Directorate stated that they could either confirm or deny media reports about the likely volume of black money stashed away in foreign banks illegally by Indian nationals. Regarding questions related to illegal investment by Indians in foreign countries and money stashed away in banks abroad, the RBI surprisingly said it had no information on the issue. [Para X]

XI. Presidential address – commitment to act against illegal monies – seems an empty promise

The commitment of the UPA II government in the address of the President of India to Parliament in June 2009 to vigorously pursue all necessary steps in coordination with the countries concerned has been observed only in breach. [Para XI]

XII. Shockingly India has not ratified the United Nations Convention against Corruption even now.

India and Switzerland are signatories to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Yet India has not ratified the UN Convention till today. This would have enabled India to seek the co-operation of world nations including Switzerland to tackle corruption at all levels. According to global anti-graft watchdog Transparency International, India should endorse the United Nations Convention Against Corruption for the recovery of India’s wealth, which has be hoarded in foreign banks.

The UN Convention helps the country, which seeks to recover the assets stashed away. This is the greatest achievement of the Convention. This single act shows that the Government of India is not keen on securing global co-operation to tackle corruption in India, which would mean tracking and bringing back corrupt funds stashed away abroad. [Para XII]

XIII. The Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty with Switzerland – an impotent instrument

The DTA Treaty is not an effective mechanism to tackle the problem of money laundering. The Swiss government for instance cannot ask the Swiss banks to disclose any name under the Swiss law. So the so-called Double Taxation Treaty with Switzerland is no more than a PR exercise. That will yield practically nothing. And India is only thinking of even the watered down treaty to “prospective” transactions, which means that the past frauds, crimes, kickbacks, bribes and corruption are to be glossed over! [XIII]

XIV. Terrorism and secret money

To recall, as early as 2007 the concern expressed by our own National Security Advisor -Mr. M.K Narayanan- regarding possibility of terror funds coming through financial markets [See his speech “Link between world of finance and terrorism”: at Munich Security Conference on 11.02.2007). [XIV]

XV. Why does India not act like other countries?

Why does India then not act like other countries? Why does it not partner the US, Germany, France and other countries, which are chasing their black wealth outside their territories? Why does it not follow the examples of such small countries like Philippines, Peru, Nigeria, and Tunisia, which have chased the corrupt wealth of their rulers? Why does it not use its increasing geo-political power to bring back the black monies stashed abroad by Indian nations? Why does the UPA government show obvious reluctance to handle this matter aggressively, contrary to its own commitment through the Presidential Speech to Parliament in June 2009? The answer is simple. The UPA government does not even pursue known cases of money laundering, like the Lichtenstein Bank case, Hasan Ali affair, Quattrocchi matter and the alleged Swiss bank accounts in the name of a former Prime Minister of India. [XV]

XVI. Lichtenstein Bank Affair

The Ministry of Finance [MoF] says it has names but will not reveal them. The reply affidavit by MoF suggests that the petitioners should seek the RTI route – may be to be rejected under the RTI. The government argues for the RTI route and then gets the application thrown out. These are not domestic tax evaders etc. for showing confidentiality. These are international crooks that have deprived our land of huge financial resources through capital flight. It is an unpatriotic act which can be equated to financial terrorism.

XVII. The $8 billion Hasan Ali Ali hawala – the smocking gun

The facts that have emerged in the Hasan Ali Ali case clearly lead to the disconcerting inferences that ruling party leaders were involved in Havala and stashing away national wealth illegally abroad; that there was undeniable nexus between politicians and criminal world; that the probe was derailed, stymied and rendered meaningless by delay and prevarication thanks to the involvement of the ruling party leaders; that the present government has no interest in recovering back the national wealth stashed abroad; that on the contrary, it is clearly interested in not exposing those who had stashed their wealth abroad.

a) Ali began to be involved in Havala business in billions in 1990s;

b) Ali was involved with Adnan Khassogi, the international arms dealer, who was found in the probe into the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 to have supplied to arms to LTTE, in business and finance from 1982;

c) He was involved with politicians, particularly the ruling congress party leaders;

d) He had respectable local associates to front for him;

e) He, who had nothing twenty years back, had billions in his and his associates’ account by end 2006;

f) The probe into him was delayed and rendered directionless and almost purposeless, which indicated that the government was keen, even desperate, to bury the Ali case as detailed herein later;

g) The Solicitor General of India has in an extraordinary step written to the Government of India that the Ali case must be investigated from national security angle also, which he could not have done without some critical material that must have been brought to his attention;

h) Yet, the attitude of the government to Ali probe is a clear testimony to the fact that the government, far from pursuing and bringing out the national wealth stashed away abroad, is aiding and collaborating with the buccaneers who have criminally misappropriated the national wealth.

The shocking details of the Ali probe tumbled into the public domain through the media obviously because as the officials, who were investigating the case found that the political establishment was not keen to pursue the case, began to leak out the details. Whatever information the public has today is not through any detail given out by the government to Parliament or to the public. The media reports, sourced in the details leaked out to the media by the Enforcement Directorate and the Income Tax department are the only information available to the people. Yet the details which have appeared in the last four years, when seen collectively, shows a shocking fraud on the people of India by the ruling establishment which has clearly subverted the Ali money laundering probe involving over $8 billions.

a. Hasan Ali’s bank balances grew from $1.5 million in 1982 to $8 billion in 2006

b. A more disturbing aspect is Ali’s deep involvement with transactions in billions with Adnan Khassogi, the infamous international arms dealer whose name figured in the assassination case of Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 as an arms supplier to the LTTE, which masterminded the killing of Rajiv Gandhi.

c. Ali received $300 millions from Khassogi as “Funds from Weapons Sale”, which was frozen by the Swiss Government, but Ali managed the Swiss government later.

d. Ali associate had confessed to involvement of Congress leaders

e. ED regarded Ali’s illegimate funds as linked to terror, organized crime, gun-running and bribes; why anti-terror law was not invoked?The ED show cause notice has stated: “It is suspected that the accounts with such huge deposits of money originating from various international destinations are proceeds of heinous crimes such as terrorism, arms trade, gun-running, corruption and organized forgery, fraud and others”. These are grounds fit for action under the anti terror law of India in force then, the Unlawful Activities Prevention (Amendment) Act 2004 [which had replaced the Prevention Of Terrorism Act]. Under that law, the Ali funds could have been frozen as “proceeds of terrorism” and confiscated under section 24 of the law and pending the due legal process, by registering an FIR under the law, the Swiss government could have been requested to freeze the Ali accounts.

f. Investigate Ali from National Security angle, tells Additional Solicitor General to Finance Minister;

g. The way Ali case was handled showed that ruling party bigwigs were involved with him;

h. An inevitable question has arisen as to whether Ali fronting for a leading politician? The media has recently reported, “Investigators are also trying to ascertain the real beneficiary behind Hasan Ali's spectacular wealth. Investigators say funds might have been amassed from defence deals and Hasan Ali could be a front for a politician;

i. ED had proposed to arrest Ali in December 2008; no arrest till now

j. The government had made a Collusive request to the Swiss authorities for assistance, which has bounced back

k. The Hasan Ali’s case – the smoking gun

An irrefutable proof of a secret meeting of the Maharashtra Government and the Political Adviser to the President of the Congress Party Smt Sonia Gandhi with Hasan Ali has been revealed by one of the members of the Task Force, Shri Mahesh Jethmalani, on 25 January 2011 in the debate in the Times Now TV Channel moderated by Shri Arnab Goswami on Black Monies stashed overseas. In his sensational revelation Shri Mahesh Jethmalani said that that the Crime Branch of Mumbai Police in Mumbai has a video recording of the secret meeting between Hasan Ali, who was absconding in the Enforcement Case of $8 billion against him, the then Chief Minister of Maharashtra Vilasrao Deshmukh and the Political Advisor to the Congress Party President Shri Ahmed Patel, and Shri Ghafoor Ahmed Khan, who was later appointed as the Police Commissioner of Mumbai at Hotel Centaur [now known as Tulip] in Mumbai on 8.11.2008 Shri Mahesh Jethmalani has made available a copy of the CD of this audio-video with the transcript of the conversation among the four persons [in which the decision to appoint Shri Gaffoor as the Commissioner of Mumbai Police] to the Task Force. The transcript of the answers given by Hasan Ali to the Police, taken from the Video available with Shri Mahesh Jethmalani, one of the members of the Task Force:

In fact, this information and the video recording was first placed in the public domain by Shri Ram Jethmalani, the well-known senior lawyer [who has filed the Writ in the Supreme Court on the issue of black money abroad] on 15.4.2010 at a press conference addressed by him in Mumbai. While Ali tells the Police that he met Shri Ahmed Patel in Centaur Hotel, Shri Patel has however denied having been present at any meeting with Ali or ever met him; Vilasrao Deshmukh ordered an inquiry into the affair, but till now nothing contrary has been found out. The Home Minister Maharashtra has denied the meeting. But the video exists and is in the possession of Shri Mahesh Jethmalani one of the members of the Task Force. [Para XVII]

XVIII. Bofors pay off to Quattrocchi and his links with the family of the President of the Congress Party

Despite all the efforts to bury the Bofors pay off case, it refuses to die. The Income Tax Appellate Tribunal decision on Win Chaddha’s tax issues has brought the issue alive back to the public domain. Shockingly the Tribunal decision came the very day the CBI had moved the CBI court for closing the case against Ottavio Quattrocchi. Some recall of the Quattrocchi part of the Bofors pay off case is necessary to know how its continuation impacts on the attitude of the government of India to the illegal monies of Indians stashed away abroad. [Para XVIII]

XIX. The alleged secret Swiss accounts of the family of a former Prime minister of India

It is a matter of concern that there have been serious and persistent allegations in the media in and outside India about alleged secret Swiss accounts held by the family of a former Prime Minister of, which have not been even formally denied by any one from the family. Because of that, there is an increasing apprehension in the public mind that it is due to the involvement of leaders close to the UPA and its component ruling parties that the UPA government and therefore India remain the only exception to the global pursuit of illegal monies abroad. The apprehension is that the Indian government is not taking the aggressive measures in that direction unlike the other countries as explained here in this report. [Para XIX]

XX. The government suffers from utter lack of credibility

The UPA government suffers from serious loss of credibility because of the Lichtenstein Bank affair, the Hasan Ali and Quattrocchi cases and the serious allegations that billions of dollars are lying in secret Swiss bank accounts in the name of a former Prime Minister of India belonging to the Congress Party. [Para XX]

XXI. How can the UPA government reacquire its lost credibility?

The issue is how the UPA government can reacquire credibility? It is not trust deficit but defunct trust. If the government’s credibility is to be restored within and outside the country, the government must act on the four cases – namely the Lichtenstein Bank names, Quattrocchi pay offs Hasan Ali case and respond to the alleged secret bank accounts of the family of the former Prime Minister of India belonging to the Congress Party – in a credible manner. The government action so far is explicitly to suppress the truth and to bury the cases. Unless these steps are forthwith initiated, not only the UPA government’s credibility will be questioned, it will also lead to the inevitable inference that the UPA government is hand-in-glove with the buccaneers who have stashed away billions of dollars of Indian people’s money abroad. [XXI]

XXII. The need to restore credibility of the political parties and the political system as a condition precedent

The people of India view with suspicion and apprehension the entire political class, which is supposed to act to recover the Indian monies stashed away abroad. In fact the political class is suspect today in the eyes of the people. There has to be a morally and ethically sound response to restore the trust and confidence of the people of India. [XXII]

XXIII. Moral and ethical response needed from the political class

The Task Force therefore suggests that the political class must set an example. Leaders and office bearers of political parties, ministers and Members of Parliament must declare that they or their families have either no wealth abroad, or if they have they must explain how they had acquired it. In addition they must give letters to the government stating that they authorize the government to ask from any government or bank in the world the details of any money held by them or by their sons and daughters. [Para XXIII]

XXIV. Constitutional, legal, geo-political, moral and ethical measures needed to recover the Indian wealth illegally stashed away abroad

1. First, the Government of India can enact a law, recognizing reports of the IMF and GFI etc saying that huge Indian capital has been illegally stashed away from India, declaring that the government of India is the beneficiary of all monies, assets and bank accounts held abroad by or the benefit of Indian nationals without declaring the same to the Indian authorities.

2. Second, on the basis of the said law, the Government of India can ask the world governments and the different banks committed to secrecy like the Swiss Banks, to recognize Indian government as the beneficiary of the undeclared wealth, bank account and other assets of the Indian nationals till the owner of the wealth, bank accounts and other assets is able to prove that he had acquired it by fair means and from legally valid sources

3. Third, the National Investigative Agency [NIA] must register an FIR like the investigative agency did in the case of Punjab terrorism and Nagaland insurgency against unknown accused persons who had stashed away monies abroad under the money laundering and anti-terror laws and proceed to investigate by inquiry, interrogation and even arrest. This omnibus FIR will be facilitate a continuous investigation and continuous progress. This will, as the investigations proceeds, facilitate many, may be hundreds and thousands of specific FIRs and prosecutions, but still continue as the umbrella FIR which will facilitate the continuance of the campaign against black money.

4. India as a major emerging power should play an important role in enunciating New Global financial Architecture altering the architecture evolved in the twentieth century by Anglo-Saxon laws which facilitated development of these secretive jurisdictions. We need to evolve a new architecture suiting Asian value systems for the twenty first century based on transparency and integrity. Since the economic power is shifting to Asia we need new financial architecture for the coming decades. As indicated above we should stress on Geographical disclosure of sources and uses of Funds by Global banks and based on that “automatic information sharing” should be done by the recipient nations. In other words closing down of the secretive tax jurisdictions should be one of the objectives of India for a non-conflicting civilizational future. As a responsible member of G-20 and FATF, UNSC etc we should take the lead for all emerging markets.

The Task Force has suggested in details many other measures to combat the menace of black money abroad. [Para XXIV]

XXV Conclusion

Our Republic is under siege. Our polity is in shambles. We are at cross roads. Wiki leaks mocks at us in terms of revealing the names of our current icons as men who plundered. It is possible that foreign spy agencies know the names. Our leadership may be under blackmail and our policy formulations may have been compromised. We are in an extraordinary time. This ancient nation rebuilt by Mahatma Gandhi; Sardar Patel; Pundit Nehru; Babasaheb Ambedkar; Netaji Bose; Rajaji and many other eminent men who towered over our mother land is in crisis because of these plunderers. As a nation, we owe it to the deprived and ordinary people of India and its future citizens to perform the sacred duty of unearthing these vast national resources hidden abroad which has the potential to transform the country into a developed nation much sooner than we can otherwise do. India is not only a country, but, also a great civilization, which has from time immemorial propagated non conflicting ideas and practiced non-conflicting methods. As a rising nation, we need to set proper standards for ourselves so that we become the alternative model for the world of conflict in search of peace and harmony. Being viewed as a corrupt and dishonest nation, and being seen as a nation of buccaneers who bolt away with hundreds and thousands of billions of Dollars when a vast section of the ordinary people of this country are in penury, will hardly give us the moral and ethical authority to be of example to the world. The time is propitious. The entire world opinion is converging against tax havens, secret banking and evil monies. The issue spills beyond economic stability; it has the potential to dynamite the economic system itself; it has potential to destroy the global security itself as the terrorists are funded by secret and not open financial system. The Task Force is of the view that the information and the ideas contained in this and in its earlier report must be taken to the people of India at various levels. The Task Force hopes that the BJP will dedicate itself to the cause and associate as many critical forces, in and outside politics, in the sacred agenda. [Para XXV] Dated 31 January 2011

S. Gurumurthy Ajit Doval

R. Vaidyanathan Mahesh Jethmalani
पिछले ६3 सालो मैं देश के गद्दारों ने हर भारतीय से (Direct or Indirect) लगभग ४ लाख से ज्यादा और एक परिवार से लगभग १६ लाख से ज्यादा लूटकर देशी और विदेशी बैंको मैं पैसा भरा है |
ये राष्ट्र की (लूट, चोरी और गद्दारी के साथ एक्कठी की गई ) संपत्ति है और देश को हर कीमत पर मिलनी चाहिए

400 LAKH... CRORE = 400 * 100000 * 10000000 = 40, 00, 00,00,00,00,000


Population(india) = 120 * Crore = 120 *10000000 = 1,20,00,00,000

Per Person Amount = Total Amount / Total Population = 400 Lakh Crore / 120 Crore =40, 00, 00,00,00,00,000/1,20,00,00,000 = 3,33,000

1 Person == 3,33,000 OR

Per Family == 13,30,000 (Assumption: Per Family Means 4 Member)
अगर ये संपत्ति देश के विकास पर लग जाती है तो रातो रात हम लोग विश्व की सबसे बड़ी शक्ति होंगे, और देश के प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य , सम्मान , समृद्धि और स्वाभिमान के साथ जीने का हक़ भी मिल जायेगा |
Govt. of India's letter to Baba Ramdev sent on 4 June 2011 signed by Kapil Sibal, Cabinet Minister

on GOI letter head.

4 June 2011

Dear Sri Ramdev ji,

This is to clarify that the Government is committed to a legal structure through which wealth generated illegally is declared as a national asset and that such assets are subject to confiscation. Laws will also provide for exemplary punishment for those who perpetrate ill-gotten wealth. This clearly declares the intention of the Government.

You have already publicy stated that upon receiving this letter, you will end your Tapa. We hope that you will honour this public commitment forthwith.

With warm regards,

Yours sincerely,

Kapil Sibal, Minister of Human Resource Development, Communications and Information Technology, GOI, New Delhi 110015

------------------------SEE WHO OWNS INDIAN MEDIA----------------------------


A very popular TV news media is funded by Gospels of Charity in Spain supports Communism. Recently it has developed a soft corner towards Pakistan because Pakistan President has allowed only this channel to be aired in Pakistan. Indian CEO Prannoy Roy is co- brother of Prakash Karat, General Secretary of Communist party of India. His wife and Brinda Karat are sisters. India Today is now bought by NDTV and and is a Hindu bashing media.


This is 100 percent funded by Southern Baptist Church with its branches in all over the world with HQ in US. The Church annually allocates $800 million for promotion of its channel. Its Indian head is Rajdeep Sardesai and his wife Sagarika Ghosh.

Times group list:

Times Of India, Mid-Day, Nav-Bharth Times, Stardust , Femina, Vijaya Times, Vijaya Karnataka, Times now (24- hour news channel) and many more. Times Group is owned by Bennet & Coleman. 'World Christian Council' does 80 percent of the Funding, and an Englishman and an Italian equally share balance 20 percent. The Italian Robertio Mindo is a close relative of Sonia Gandhi.

Star TV:

It is run by an Australian, who is supported by St. Peters Pontificial Church Melbourne.

Hindustan Times:

Owned by Birla Group, but hands have changed since Shobana Bhartiya took over. Presently it is working in Collobration with Times Group.

The Hindu:

English daily, started over 125 years has been recently taken over by Joshua Society, Berne, Switzerland. N.Ram's wife is a Swiss national.

Indian Express:

The Indian Express and new Indian Express (southern edition) ACTS Christian Ministries have major stake in the Indian Express and the new Indian Express. Eeenadu: Still to date controlled by an Indian named Ramoji Rao. Ramoji Rao is connected with film industry and owns a huge studio in Andhra Pradesh .

Andhra Jyothi:

The Muslim party of Hyderabad known as MIM along with a Congress Minister has purchased this Telgu daily very recently.

The Statesman:

It is controlled by Communist Party of India.

Kairal TV:

It is controlled by Communist party of India (Marxist)


Leaders of Muslim League and Communist leaders have major investment. Asian

Age and Deccan Chronicle:

Is owned by a Saudi Arabian Company with its chief Editor M.J. Akbar.

Tarun Tejpal of Tehelka.com regularly gets flat check from Arab countries to target BJP it is said.

Malyayamanorama and the Deepika are owned by CIA and locally represented by Kerala Christians.

The ownership explains the control of media in INDIA BY FOREIGNERS. The result is obvious.

Please i'm requestin you all DO NOT watch this kind of media, THEY ONLY GET PAID TO STOP INDIAN PROGRESS.

Also now they all are tryin hard to step forward against Bharat Swabhiman Andolan. Please DO NOT watch this media, tell your family, friends or all persons that you know that NOT TO WATCH this media.

But i feel shame about journalist and reporters who are workin in this media which mostly are Indians, Ive despise those cunnin people. God will never forgive them And will Punish this people.

Well Managed earning system to Gandhi Family (Raj Parivar) ...

a Well Managed earning system to Gandhi Family (Raj Parivar) ...

Over the last 18 years, on a rough estimate, about 450 Central and State Government programmes, projects and national and State-level institutions involving public expenditure of hundreds of thousands of crores of rupees have been named after these three individuals.

The ...fol...lowing are some of the Government Schemes and

Projects that have been named after the Nehru-Gandhi family.

Central Government Schemes

1. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana, Ministry of Power

2. Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission (RGNDWM)

3. Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme

4. Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana

5. Indira Awas Yojana, Ministry of Rural Areas and Environment

6. Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme

7. Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission, Ministry of Urban

8. Jawaharlal Nehru Rojgar Yojna

9. Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojna

10. Indira Gandhi Canal Project, Funded by World Bank

11. Rajiv Gandhi Shilpi Swasthya Bima Yojana,

12. Indira Vikas Patra

State Government Schemes

1. Rajiv Gandhi Rehabilitation Package

2. Rajiv Gandhi Social Security Scheme for poor people

3. Rajiv Ratna Awas Yojna

4. Rajiv Gandhi Prathamik Shiksha Mission , Raigarh

5. Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission, Madhya Pradesh

6. Rajiv Gandhi Mission on Food Security , Madhya Pradesh

7. Rajiv Gandhi Mission on Community Health, Madhya Pradesh

8. Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited (a Govt Company)

9. Rajiv Gandhi Tourism Development Mission, Rajasthan

10. Rajiv Gandhi Computer Literacy Programme, Assam

11. Rajiv Gandhi Swavlamban Rojgar Yojana, Govt. of NCT of Delhi

12. Rajiv Gandhi Mobile Aids Counseling and Testing Services

13. Rajiv Gandhi Vidyarthi Suraksha Yojana, Maharashtra

14. Rajiv Gandhi Mission for Water Shed Management, M.P.

15. Rajiv Gandhi Food Security Mission for Tribal Areas, MP

16. Rajiv Gandhi Home for Handicapped, Pondicherry

17. Rajiv Gandhi Breakfast Scheme, Pondicherry

18. Rajiv Gandhi Akshay Urja Divas, Punjab

19. Rajiv Gandhi Artisans Health and Life Insurance Scheme, Tamil Nadu

20. Rajiv Gandhi Zopadpatti and Nivara Prakalpa, Mumbai

21. Rajiv Arogya Sri programme , Gujrat State Govt. Scheme

22. Rajiv Gandhi Abhyudaya Yojana, AP

23. Rajiv Gandhi Computer Saksharta Mission, Jabalpur

24. Rajiv Gandhi Bridges and Roads Infrastructure Development Haryana

25. Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Niwara Prakalp, Maharashtra Govt.

26. Indira Gandhi Utkrishtha Chhattervritti Yojna Himachal Pradesh

27. Indira Gandhi Women Protection Scheme, Maharashtra Govt.

28. Indira Gandhi Prathisthan, Housing and Urban Planning, UP Govt

29. Indira Kranthi Patham Scheme, Andhra Pradesh

30. Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojana, State Govt. Scheme

31. Indira Gandhi Vruddha Bhumiheen Shetmajoor Anudan Yojana, Maharashtra

32. Indira Gandhi Nahar Project (IGNP), Jaisalmer, Govt. of Rajasthan

33. Indira Gandhi Niradhar Yojna, Govt. of Maharashtra

34. Indira Gandhi kuppam, State Govt. Welfare Scheme for Tsunami

35. Indira Gandhi Drinking Water Scheme-2006, Haryana Govt.

36. Indira Gandhi Niradhar Old, Landless, Destitute women Maharashtra Govt.

37. Indira Gandhi Women Protection Scheme , Maharashtra Govt.

38. Indira Gaon Ganga Yojana, Chattisgarh

39. Indira Sahara Yojana , Chattisgarh

40. Indira Soochna Shakti Yojana, Chattisgarh

41. Indira Gandhi Balika Suraksha Yojana , HP

42. Indira Gandhi Garibi Hatao Yojana (DPIP), MP

43. Indira Gandhi super thermal power project , Haryana Govt.

44. Indira Gandhi Water Project, Haryana Govt.

45. Indira Gandhi Sagar Project, Bhandara District Gosikhurd Maharashtra

46. Indira Jeevitha Bima Pathakam, AP Govt

47. Indira Gandhi Priyadarshani Vivah Shagun Yojana, Haryana Govt.

48. Indira Mahila Yojana Scheme, Meghalaya Govt

49. Indira Gandhi Calf Rearing Scheme, Chhattisgarh Govt.

50. Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini Vivah Shagun Yojana, Haryana Govt.

51. Indira Gandhi Calf Rearing Scheme, The government of Andhra

52. Indira Gandhi Landless Agriculture Labour scheme, Maharashtra Govt.


1. Rajiv Gandhi Gold Cup Kabaddi Tournament

2. Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhavana Run

3. Rajiv Gandhi Federation Cup boxing championship

4. Rajiv Gandhi International tournament (football)

5. NSCI – Rajiv Gandhi road races, New Delhi

6. Rajiv Gandhi Boat Race, Kerala

7. Rajiv Gandhi International Artistic Gymnastic Tournament

8. Rajiv Gandhi Kabbadi Meet

9. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Roller Skating Championship

10. Rajiv Gandhi memorial marathon race, New Delhi

11. Rajiv Gandhi International Judo Championship, Chandigarh

12. Rajeev Gandhi Memorial Trophy for the Best College, Calicut

13. Rajiv Gandhi Rural Cricket Tournament, by Rahul Gandhi in Amethi

14. Rajiv Gandhi Gold Cup (U-21), football

15. Rajiv Gandhi Trophy (football)

16. Rajiv Gandhi Award for Outstanding Sportspersons

17. All Indira Rajiv Gandhi Basketball (Girls) Tournament, Delhi

18. All India Rajiv Gandhi Wrestling Gold Cup, organized by Delhi State

19. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Jhopadpatti Football Tournament, Rajura

20. Rajiv Gandhi International Invitation Gold Cup Football, Jamshedpur

21. Rajiv Gandhi Mini Olympics, Mumbai

22. Rajiv Gandhi Beachball Kabaddi Federation

23. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Trophy Prerana Foundation

24. International Indira Gandhi Gold Cup Tournament

25. Indira Gandhi International Hockey Tournament

26. Indira Gandhi Boat Race

27. Jawaharlal Nehru International Gold Cup Football Tournament.

28. Jawaharlal Nehru Hockey Tournament.


1. Indira Gandhi Sports Complex, Delhi

2. Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, New Delhi

3. Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi

4. Rajiv Gandhi Sports Stadium, Bawana

5. Rajiv Gandhi National Football Academy, Haryana

6. Rajiv Gandhi AC Stadium, Vishakhapatnam

7. Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Pondicherry

8. Rajiv Gandhi Stadium, Nahariagun, Itanagar

9. Rajiv Gandhi Badminton Indoor Stadium, Cochin

10. Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Kadavanthra,Ernakulam

11. Rajiv Gandhi Sports Complex , Singhu

12. Rajib Gandhi Memorial Sports Complex, Guwahati

13. Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, Hyderabad

14. Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Cochin

15. Indira Gandhi Stadium, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh

16. Indira Gandhi Stadium, Una, Himachal Pradesh

17. Indira Priyadarshini Stadium, Vishakhapatnam

18. Indira Gandhi Stadium, Deogarh, Rajasthan

19. Gandhi Stadium, Bolangir, Orissa

Airports/ Ports

1. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, New Hyderabad, A.P.

2. Rajiv Gandhi Container Terminal, Cochin

3. Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi

4. Indira Gandhi Dock, Mumbai

5. Jawaharlal Nehru Nava Sheva Port Trust, Mumbai

Universities/Education Institutes

1. Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management, Shilong

2. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Aeronautics, Ranchi, Jharkhand

3. Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal, M.P.

4. Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, Kharagpur, Kolkata

5. Rajiv Gandhi Aviation Academy, Secundrabad

6. Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala, Punjab

7. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Tamil Nadu

8. Rajiv Gandhi Aviation Academy, Begumpet, Hyderabad, A.P

9. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam, Kerala

10. Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering Research & Technology, Maharashtra

11. Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

12. Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh

13. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Chola Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

14. Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal, M.P.

15. Rajiv Gandhi D.e.d. College, Latur, Maharashtra

16. Rajiv Gandhi College, Shahpura, Bhopal

17. Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, Rajiv Gandhi Institute, New Delhi

18. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Raebareli, U.P.

19. Rajiv Gandhi Homeopathic Medical College, Bhopal, M.P.

20. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Post Graduate Studies, East Godavari District, A.P.

21. Rajiv Gandhi College of Education, Thumkur, Karnataka

22. Rajiv Gandhi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Tamil Nadu

23. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of IT and Biotechnology, Bhartiya Vidhyapeeth

24. Rajiv Gandhi High School, Mumbai, Maharashtra

25. Rajiv Gandhi Group of Institutions, Satna, M.P.

26. Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu

27. Rajiv Gandhi Biotechnology Centre, R.T.M., Nagpur University

28. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

29. Rajiv Gandhi Mahavidyalaya, Madhya Pradesh

30. Rajiv Gandhi Post Graduate College, Allahabad, U.P.

31. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka

32. Rajiv Gandhi Govt. PG Ayurvedic College, Poprola, Himachal Pradesh

33. Rajiv Gandhi College, Satna, M.P.

34. Rajiv Gandhi Academy for Aviation Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

35. Rajiv Gandhi Madhyamic Vidyalaya, Maharashtra

36. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Contemporary Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan

37. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

38. Rajiv Gandhi Industrial Training Centre, Gandhinagar

39. Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Andhra Pradesh

40. Rajiv Gandhi Institute Of Distance Education, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

41. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture , Tamil Nadu

42. Rajiv Gandhi University (Arunachal University), A.P.

43. Rajiv Gandhi Sports Medicine Centre (RGSMC), Kerela

44. Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre, Mauritus

45. Rajiv Gandhi Kala Mandir, Ponda, Goa

46. Rajiv Gandhi Vidyalaya, Mulund, Mumbai

47. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Polytechnic, Bangalore, Karnataka

48. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Circle Telecom Training Centre (India), Chennai

49. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Pharmacy, Kasagod, Kerala

50. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College Of Aeronautics, Jaipur

51. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial First Grade College, Shimoga

52. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College of Education, Jammu & Kashmir

53. Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkacha, Varanasi

54. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Teacher’s Training College, Jharkhand

55. Rajiv Gandhi Degree College, Rajahmundry, A.P.

56. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi

57. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development & Research, Mumbai, Maharashtra

58. Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Dehradun

59. Indira Gandhi RashtriyaUran Akademi, Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh

60. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai

61. Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Orissa

62. Indira Gandhi B.Ed. College, Mangalore

63. Smt. Indira Gandhi College of Education, Nanded, Maharashtra

64. Indira Gandhi Balika Niketan B.ED. College, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan

65. Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, Madhya Pradesh

66. Smt. Indira Gandhi College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

67. Smt. Indira Gandhi Colelge, Tiruchirappalli

68. Indira Gandhi Engineering College, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh

69. Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kashmere Gate, Delhi

70. Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, Dist. Dhenkanal, Orissa

71. Indira Gandhi Institute of Aeronautics, Pune, Maharashtra

72. Indira Gandhi Integral Education Centre, New Delhi

73. Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, Delhi

74. Indira Gandhi High School, Himachal

75. Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya, Chhattisgarh

76. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla

77. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, Andhra Pradesh

78. Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarakashi

79. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Business Management, Vikram University

80. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

81. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore

82. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, AP

83. Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College in Aurangabad, Maharashtra

84. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore

85. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Social Studies, affiliated(Pune, Maharashtra)

86. Jawaharlal Nehru College of Aeronautics & Applied Sciences, Coimbatore

87. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Tech, Katraj, Dhankwdi, Pune, Maharashtra

88. Kamal Kishore Kadam’s Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering CollegeMaharashtra

89. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Education & Technological Research, Nanded, Maharashra

90. Jawaharlal Nehru College, Aligarh

91. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad

92. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur

93. Jawaharlal Nehru B.Ed. College, Kota, Rajasthan

94. Jawaharlal Nehru P.G. College, Bhopal

95. Jawaharlal Nehru Government Engineering College, Sundernagar, H.P.

96. Jawaharlal Nehru PublicSchool, Kolar Road, Bhopal

97. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, A.P.

98. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology, Ibrahimpatti, Andhra Pradesh


1. Rajiv Gandhi Award for Outstanding Achievement

2. Rajiv Gandhi Shiromani Award

3. Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Awards, Delhi Labour Welfare Board

4. Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award

5. Rajiv Gandhi Manav Seva Award

6. Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Conservation Award

7. Rajiv Gandhi National Award Scheme for Original Book Writing on Gyan Vigyan

8. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award

9. Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award

10. Rajiv Gandhi Environment Award for Clean Technology, Govt. of India

11. RajivGandhi Travelling Scholarship

12. Rajiv Gandhi(UK) Foundation Scholarship

13. Rajiv Gandhi Film Awards (Mumbai)

14. Rajiv Gandhi Khelratna Puraskar

15. Rajiv Gandhi Parisara Prashasti, Karnataka

16. RajivGandhi Vocational Excellence Awards

17. Rajiv Gandhi Excellence award

18. Indira Gandhi Peace Prize

19. Indira Gandhi Prize for National Integration

20. Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini Award

21. Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshamitra Awards, Ministry of Environment and Forests

22. Indira Gandhi Memorial National Award forBest Environmental & Ecological

23. Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Purashkar

24. Indira Gandhi NSS Award

25. Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration

26. Indira Gandhi Official Language Award Scheme

27. Indira Gandhi Award for Best First Film

28. Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Awards for The Town Official Language

29. Indira Gandhi Prize” for Peace, Disarmament and Development

30. Indira Gandhi Prize for Popularization of Science

31. Implementation

32. Indira Gandhi Shiromani Award

33. Indira Gandhi NSS Award/National Youth

34. Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Pushar award – search n correct

35. Indira Gandhi N.S.S Awards

36. Indira Gandhi award for social service, MP Govt.

37. Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship Scheme

38. Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Award Scheme

39. Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Shield Scheme

40. Indira Gandhi Vision of Wildlife Conservation Zoo

41. Jawaharlal Nehru award for International peace

42. Soviet Land Nehru Award, a cash prize of Rs. 20,000 given to Shyam Benegal in Dec 89, in recognition of the above film.

43. Jawaharlal Nehru Balkalyan awards of Rs.10,000 each to 10 couples by Govt. of Maharashtra (ToI-28-4-89).

44. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, New Delhi, for Academic Achievement

45. Jawaharlal Nehru birth centenary research award for energy

46. Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding

47. Nehru Bal Samiti Bravery Awards

48. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medal

49. Jawaharlal Nehru Prize” from 1998-99, to be given to organizations (preferably NGOs) for Popularization of Science.

50. Jawaharlal Nehru National Science Competition

51. Jawarharlal Nehru Student Award for research project of evolution of DNA

Scholarship / Fellowship

1. Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship Scheme for Students with Disabilities

2. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme for SC/ST Candidates, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

3. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme for ST Candidates

4. Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship, IGNOU

5. Rajiv Gandhi Science Talent Research Fellows

6. Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship, Ministry of Tribal Affairs

7. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme

8. Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship sponsored

9. Rajiv Gandhi science talent research fellowship

10. Rajiv Gandhi HUDCO Fellowships in the Habitat Sector

11. Indira Gandhi Memorial Fellowships check

12. Fullbright scholarship now renamed Fullbright- Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarship

13. Cambridge Nehru Scholarships, for research at Cambridge Univ, London

14. Scheme of Jawaharlal Nehru Fellowships for Post-graduate Studies

15. Nehru Centenary (British) Fellowships/Awards

National Parks/ Sanctuaries/ Museums

1. Rajiv Gandhi (Nagarhole) Wildlife Sanctury, Karnataka

2. Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Sanctury, Andhra Pradesh

3. Indira Gandhi National Park, Tamil Nadu

4. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park , New Delhi

5. Indira Gandhi National Park, Anamalai Hills on Western Ghats

6. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park, Vishakhapatnam

7. Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (IGRMS)

8. Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Pollachi

9. Rajiv Gandhi Health Museum

10. The Rajiv Gandhi Museum of Natural History

11. Indira Gandhi Memorial museum, New Delhi

12. Jawaharlal Nehru museum in Aurangabad, Maharashtra opened by state govt.

13. Jawaharlal Nehru memorial Gallery, London

14. Jawaharlal Nehru planetarium, Worli, Mumbai.

15. Jawaharlal Nehru National Science Exhibition for Children

Hospitals/Medical Institutions

1. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore, Karnataka

2. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Delhi

3. Rajiv Gandhi Home for Handicapped, Pondicherry

4. Shri Rajiv Gandhi college of Dental Science & Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka

5. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Bio Technology, Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala

6. Rajiv Gandhi College of Nursing, Bangalore, Karnataka

7. Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital, Raichur

8. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest Diseases, Bangalore, Karnataka

9. Rajiv Gandhi Paramedical College, Jodhpur

10. Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, Thane, Mumbai

11. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Pharmacy, Karnataka

12. Rajiv Gandhi Hospital, Goa

13. Rajiv Gandhi Mission on Community Health, Madhya Pradesh

14. Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital, Delhi

15. Rajiv Gandhi Homoeaopathic Medical College, Chinar Park, Bhopal, M.P

16. North Eastern Indira Gandhi of Health & Medical Sciences, Meghalaya

17. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla

18. Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bangalore

19. Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sheikhpura, Patna

20. The Indira Gandhi Paediatric Hospital, Afghanistan

21. Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health Hospital, Bangalore

22. Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Heath, Bangalore

23. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla

24. Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Science, Kerala

25. Indira Gandhi Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Bhubaneshwar

26. Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur

27. Indira Gandhi Eye Hospital And Research Centre, Kolkata

28. Indira Gandhi Hospital, Shimla

29. Indira Gandhi Women and Children Hospital , Bhopla

30. Indira Gandhi Gas Relief hospital, Bhopal

31. Kamla Nehru Hospital, Shimla

32. Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya

33. Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education

34. Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal

35. Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College in Raipur.

36. Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, New Delhi

37. Nehru, Science Centre, Worli, Mumbai

38. Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal

39. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Homoeopathic Medical, Maharashtra

Institutions / Chairs / Festivals

1. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development. (RGNIYD)

2. Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training & Research Inst, Haryana

3. Rajiv Gandhi Food Security Mission in Tribal Areas

4. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development

5. Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission, Chhattisgarh

6. Rajiv Gandhi Chair Endowment established in 1998

7. Rajiv Gandhi Project – A pilot to provide Education thru Massive Satellite Connectivity up grassroot Level

8. Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited (Government of Karnataka Enterprise)

9. Rajiv Gandhi Information and Technology Commission

10. Rajiv Gandhi Chair for Peace and Disarmament

11. Rajiv Gandhi Music Festival

12. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture

13. Rajiv Gandhi Akshay Urja Diwas

14. Rajiv Gandhi Education Foundation, Kerala

15. Rajiv Gandhi Panchayati Raj Convention

16. The Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Educational and Charitable Society, Kasagod,Kerala

17. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial trophy ekankika spardha,Kari Road

18. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Janpath, New Delhi

19. Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj & Gramin Vikas Sansthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan

20. Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam

21. Indira Gandhi Institute for Development and Research , Mumbai

22. Indira Gandhi Institute of Cardiology (IGIC), Patna

23. Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts, New Delhi

24. Indira Gandhi National Foundation, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

25. Indira Gandhi Mahila Sahakari Soot Girani Ltd, Maharashtra

26. Indira Gandhi Conservation Monitoring Centre , Ministry of Envir & Forest

27. Post-Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl Child

28. Jawahar Shetkari Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd.

29. Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan

30. Jawaharlal Nehru Centenary celebrations

31. Postal stamps of different denominations and one Rupee coins in memory of Jawaharlal Nehru.

32. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Trust (U.K.) Scholarships

33. Jawaharlal Nehru Custom House Nhava Sheva, Maharashtra

34. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for. Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore

35. Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre, Embassy of India, Moscow

36. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Udyog Kendra for Juveniles, Pune, Maharastra

37. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru college of agriculture and research, Pondicherry


1. Rajiv Chowk, Delhi

2. Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung, New Delhi

3. Rajiv Gandhi Handicrafts Bhawan, New Delhi

4. Rajiv Gandhi Park, Kalkaji, Delhi

5. Indira Chowk, New Delhi

6. Nehru Planetarium, New Delhi

7. Nehru Yuvak Kendra, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi

8. Nehru Nagar, New Delhi

9. Nehru Place, New Delhi

10. Nehru Park, New Delhi Nehru House, BSZ Marg, New Delhi

11. Jawaharlal Nehru Government House New Delhi

12. Rajiv Gandhi Renewable Energy Park, Gurgaon, Haryana

13. Rajiv Gandhi Chowk, Andheri, Mumbai

14. Indira Gandhi Road, Mumbai

15. Indira Gandhi Nagar, Wadala, Mumbai

16. Indira Gandhi Sports Complex, Mulund, Mumbai

17. Nehru Nagar, Kurla, Mumbai

18. Jawaharlal Nehru gardens at Thane, Mumbai

19. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Hall, Chennai

20. Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Vadapalani, Chennai, Tamilnadu

21. Rajiv Gandhi Salai (Old Mahabalipuram road named after Rajiv Gandhi)

22. Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Haryana

23. Mount Rajiv, a peak in Himalaya

24. Rajiv Gandhi IT Habitat, Goa

25. Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Chennai

26. Rajiv Gandhi Park, Vijayawada

27. Rajiv Gandhi Nagar in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

28. Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Trichy, Tamil Nadu

29. Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Hinjewadi, Pune

30. Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Bhav , Palanpur Banaskantha

31. Rajiv Gandhi Chandigarh Technology Park, Chandigarh

32. Rajiv Gandhi Smriti Van, Jharkhand

33. Rajiv Gandhi statue, Panaji, Goa

34. Rajiv Gandhi Road, Chittoor

35. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial at Sriperumbudur

36. Indira Gandhi Memorial Library, University of Hyderabad

37. Indira Gandhi Musical Fountains, Bangalore

38. Indira Gandhi Planetarium , Lucknow

39. Indira Gandhi Centre for Indian Culture (IGCIC), High Commission of India, Mauritus

40. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park , Eastern Ghats of India

41. Indira Gandhi Canal, Ramnagar, Jaisalmer

42. Indira Gandhi Industrial Complex, Ranipet, Vellore District

43. Indira Gandhi Park, Itanagar

44. Indira Gandhi Squiare , Pondicherry

45. Indira Gandhi Road, Willingdon Island, Cochin

46. Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden, Kashmir

47. Indira Gandhi Sagar Dam, Nagpur

48. Indira Gandhi bridge, Rameshvar, Tamil Nadu

49. Indira Gandhi Hospital, Bhiwandi Nizampur Municipal Corporation

50. Indira Gandhi memorial cultural Complex, UP Govt.

51. Indira Gandhi Sports Stadium , Rohru District, Shimla

52. Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj Sansthan , Bhopal

53. Indira Gandhi Nagar, Rajasthan

54. Indira Nagar, Lucknow

55. Roads are named after Jawaharlal Nehru in many cities e.g. in Jaipur, Nagpur, Vile Parle, Ghatkopar, Mulund etc.

56. Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad

57. Jawaharlal Nehru Gardens, Ambarnath

58. Jawarharlal Nehru Gardens, Panhala

59. Jawaharlal Nehru market, Jammu.

60. Jawaharlal Nehru Tunnel on the Jammu Srinagar Highway

61. Nehru Chowk, Ulhas Nagar, Maharashtra.

62. Nehru Bridge on the river Mandvi, Panaji, Goa

63. Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad

64. Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Dharmatala, Kolkata

65. Nehru Road, Guwahati

66. Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur

67. Nehru Vihar Colony, Kalyanpur, Lucknow

68. Nehru Nagar, Patna

69. Jawaharlal Nehru Street, Pondicherry

70. Nehru Bazaar, Madanapalli, Tirupathi

71. Nehru Chowk, Bilaspur. M.P

72. Nehru Street, Ponmalaipatti, Tiruchirapalli

73. Nehru Nagar, S.M. Road, Ahmedabad

74. Nehru Nagar,. Nashik Pune Road

Please read every one and paste it every where !!! Supreme court

Excellent Letter from Baba Ramdev to Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh: Satyagrah against corruption:-4th june

(Original letter is in Hindi) Subject: Letter from Baba Ramdev to Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh: India against corruption To: Dr. Manmohan Singh Date 04-May-2011 Honorable Prime Minister Republic of India, New Delhi Sub.: Three (3) demands of Bharat Swabhiman from the central government to eradicate corruption and bring back black money in the interest of nation. (Refer Appendix A) Dear Shri Manmohan Singh Ji: Om with love In a democratic system only the elected government has the power or right to grant main three demands listed in Appendix A of this letter. Therefore the central government is bound to act immediately in a timely and systematic manner to show the whole nation orally and in writing with proof and transparency to do so, and has to clarify steps for its implementation. If the central government did not do so then to eradicate corruption and save the nation we along with millions of citizens of this nation will sit on an “Eradicate Corruption Movement” in an indefinite fast till death in tradition of Mahatma Gandhi using our constitutional and moral rights to fulfill our demands; and at the same time millions of awakened and concerned citizens of this nation will also join this movement in all state capitals and district headquarters. Although our whole movement and public demonstrations will be fully nonviolent and based on true values of humanity but during fasting if anybody suffers bodily harm or loss of life or resulting harm to the nation in any manner then the current central government shall be directly responsible for this. We fully agree with the honorable prime minister who has previously accepted many times publicly that corruption is the biggest hurdle in the growth of the nation, and it is the root cause of poverty, hunger, paucity, illiteracy and Naxalites, etc. At the same time everybody from the honorable congress president Smt. Sonia Gandhi to the honorable general secretary of congress Shree Rahul Gandhi who claim that they want to eradicate corruption and want to get the nation’s black money back to the nation will seriously consider our demands with full honesty, take an immediate decisive action on our demands in the interest of the nation, and will immediately inform us of their decision. If the government does not take any decisive step to meet our demands to end an economy of corruption and black money from our nation which are raised in the interest of our nation then the nation has to face grave national problems of poverty, hunger, illiteracy, unemployment and resulting over population and Naxalite movement but the most important crucial loss will be our national security. Today China’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is Rs.265 trillion and her external debt is only Rs.18.3. trillions with a public debt of merely Rs.46 trillion, whereas the GDP of Bharat is only Rs.69 trillion. Economically China is five (5) times stronger than Bharat and due to her strong economy and modern military power China can attack India anytime which she has indicated many times in the past; so if we succeed in eliminating corruption and bringing back black money then we will be five (5) times stronger than China. Therefore, to save this nation and make her prosperous we ought to eliminate corruption at any cost and if we do not hear any positive response to our demands within a week then in the interest of the nation we will be compelled to resort to this sit-in hunger strike . In anticipation of your positive reply. Yours co-citizen, (Swami Ramdev) APPENDIX-A Three (3) demands:- 1. To bring back in the nation Rs. 400 trillion (US$ 9 trillion) of black money which is a national wealth. 1.a) Create a law to declare money stashed in foreign accounts as national assets. 1.b) Create a law for foreign account policy where each citizen having a foreign account has to disclose complete information. 1.c) Sign US Convention against Corruption, thus paving way for getting black money back. 1.d) Recall high denomination currency i.e., 500 and 1000 Rupee notes and make 100 Rupee note as sparse as possible. 2. To stamp out corruption fully by enacting stringent laws for a capable Lok Pal Bill which should have three important points? 2.a) It should be able to punish any official irrespective of designation if found guilty. 2.b) Any person should be able to file FIR against corruption and if proofs are provided then Lok Pal should be able to take action against the guilty. 2.c) Once fast track court declares a person guilty of corruption then he or she should be given harsh punishment like death sentence or life imprisonment if corruption involves crores or lakhs of Rupees. It should have provision of declaring all assets of such person as national assets. 3. To end foreign laws, customs and culture prevailing in the independent Bharat so that every Indian can get economic and social justice. We should follow Mahatma Gandhi’s book named Hind Swaraj mentioning that after independence we need to remove British system and adopt Bhartiya system. 3.a). We need to abolish Land Acquisition Act 1984 because by using this Act the government is exploiting farmers. A farmer who is the producer of food is not respected and is getting killed daily by wrong government policies. We need to impose complete ban on genetically modified food which is dangerous for the health of citizens of this nation. 3.b) On the language issue the whole nation is suffering because 99% of people do not know English. When countries like Japan, China, France, Germany, Denmark, Russia, etc. educate their citizens in their own language and produce doctors, scientists, engineers, etc. then why we cannot do so in our own national and native languages. Each of our languages has more words than any foreign language. Why we are neglecting and giving such a low importance to our own languages. Technological innovations and inventions do not depend upon a language, it is a function of human intellect and mind and the world is a witness that Bhartiya’s thinking and mind is one of the best in the world. Language of law, justice, science, engineering, medicine, etc. should be in our national or regional languages then only smart kids of poor people will be able to become scientists, doctors and engineers. 3.c) Why are we given Macaulay’s education system which was created to make Indians as Englishmen and why 34735 laws are created by British still imposed on this nation? Why people of this country are still tortured and humiliated by using those laws in the same way as British used to do. 3.d) When Bharat has given the world physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, all social sciences, law and justice system, astrology, astronomy, astro-physics, social structure, time –days, years, etc., names of planets, economics, a cultured society and highly advanced philosophy, and spirituality to the whole world then why are we always taught that everything is developed by western world. We ought to give highest preference to our own culture. 3.e). Although democratic system is best in the world but it has its demerits too. Had we not have this faulty law and order system in our country then such a big conspiracy would not have been created, and so much corruption and such a bad condition of our people would not have happened. So those people who are doing this conspiracy in the name of democracy and are looting this nation by corruption, it is imperative to change them and such a system. Funding of election, mandatory voting and electing the Prime minister directly by the citizens of this nation should be there. Thus only honest people will come to power and then only strong democracy and high value parliament will be formed. We want to make it clear that we do not want to change the Constitution of India created by Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar but want to change the system created by British and still followed. Example Land acquisition act was not created by Late Shri Bhimrao Ambedkar but by the British and so was Macaulay’s education system. Jai Hind !!! Vande Matram !!!

What was Rajiv Gandhi’s fatal error in politics? It does not need a seer to say that it was his claim to honesty — branding himself as ‘Mr Clean’ — that proved fatal to him. Indira Gandhi was his contrast. Asked about corruption in her government, she said nonchalantly, ‘it was a global phenomenon’. This was in 1983. An honest Delhi High Court judge even lamented how could corruption be controlled when someone holding such a high position had almost rationalised it. The result, no one could ever charge Indira Gandhi with corruption, because she never claimed to be clean. But, ambitious to look ideal, Rajiv proclaimed honesty and so provoked scrutiny; in contrast, Indira, opting to be practical, immunised herself against scrutiny. Eventually, Rajiv’s claim to honesty became the very cross on which he was crucified in the 1989 elections when the Bofors gun shot the Congress out of power. The lesson to the political class was: don’t claim to be honest, if you really are not so. The hard lesson seems forgotten now by the Gandhi family itself. Sonia Gandhi, instead of following Indira’s safe path, is wrongly caught on Rajiv’s risky steps. The consequences seem to be ominous. Will the politics of 1987 to 1989 repeat?

Following Rajiv and forgetting Indira, Sonia Gandhi proclaimed ‘zero tolerance’ to corruption at a party rally in Allahabad in November 2010. She repeated it at the Congress plenary in Delhi weeks later. Asking the cadre to take the corrupt head on, she said that her party was ‘prompt’ in acting against the corrupt; ‘never spared the corrupt’ because corruption impedes development’. This was almost how Rajiv Gandhi spoke in the Congress centenary in Mumbai 25 years ago. Two crucial differences marked Rajiv away from Sonia. First, when Rajiv claimed to be ‘Mr Clean’, he had no scams to defend against. But, Sonia claims to be honest amidst huge and continuing scams — CWG, Adarsh, 2G Spectrum allocation scam…. Next, Rajiv had a clean slate to begin with, with no known skeletons in his cupboard till the Bofors scam smashed his ‘Mr Clean’ image. In contrast, Sonia’s slate is full of credible exposures of bribes and pay-offs in billions of dollars secreted in Swiss bank accounts, not counting Quattrocchi’s millions from Bofors. To make it worse, for almost two decades now, she has not dared to deny the exposures or sue the famous Swiss magazine or the Russian investigative journalist who had put out evidence of bribe against the Sonia family. Seen against this background, Sonia’s vow to act against the corrupt seems like a suspect hooting ‘catch the thief’ and scooting away. This is the main story that unfolds here.

$2.2 billions to 11 billions!

A stunning exposure on Sonia Gandhi’s secret billions in Swiss banks came, surprisingly, from Switzerland itself, where the world’s corrupt stash away their booty. In its issue of November 19, 1991, Schweizer Illustrierte, the most popular magazine of Switzerland, did an exposé of over a dozen politicians of the third world, including Rajiv Gandhi, who had stashed away their bribe monies in Swiss banks. Schweizer Illustrierte, not a rag, sells some 2,15,000 copies and has a readership of 9,17,000 — almost a sixth of Swiss adult population. Citing the newly opened KGB records, the magazine reported ‘that Sonia Gandhi the widow of the former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was controlling secret account with 2.5 billion Swiss Francs (equal to $2.2 billion) in her minor son’s name’. The $2.2 billion account must have existed from before June 1988 when Rahul Gandhi attained majority. The loot in today’s rupee value equals almost Rs 10,000 crore. Swiss banks invest and multiply the clients’ monies, not keep them buried. Had it been invested in safe long-term securities, the $.2.2 billion bribe would have multiplied to $9.41 billion (Rs 42,345 crore) by 2009. If it had been put in US stocks, it would have swelled to $12.97 billion (Rs 58,365 crore). If, as most likely, it were invested in long-term bonds and stocks as 50:50, it would have grown to $11.19 billion (Rs 50,355 crore). Before the global financial meltdown in 2008, the $2.2 billion bribes in stocks would have peaked at $18.66 billion (Rs 83,900 crore). By any calculation the present size of the $2.2 billion secret funds of the family in Swiss banks seems huge — anywhere between Rs 43,000 plus to some Rs 84,000 crore!

KGB papers

The second exposé, emanating from the archives of the Russian spy outfit KGB, is far more serious. It says that the Gandhi family has accepted political pay-offs from the KGB — a clear case of treason besides bribe. In her book The State Within a State: The KGB and its Hold on Russia-Past, Present, and Future, Yevgenia Albats, an acclaimed investigative journalist, says: “A letter signed by Victor Chebrikov, who replaced Andropov as the KGB head in 1982 noted: ‘the USSR KGB maintains contact with the son of the Premier Minister Rajiv Gandhi (of India). R Gandhi expresses deep gratitude for the benefits accruing to the Prime Minister’s family from the commercial dealings of the firm he controls in co-operation with the Soviet foreign trade organisations. R Gandhi reports confidentially that a substantial portion of the funds obtained through this channel are used to support the party of R Gandhi’.” (p.223). Albats has also disclosed that, in December 2005, KGB chief Victor Chebrikov had asked for authorisation from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, “to make payments in US dollars to the family members of Rajiv Gandhi, namely Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and Ms Paola Maino, mother of Sonia Gandhi.” And even before Albats’ book came out the Russian media had leaked out the details of the pay-offs. Based on the leaks, on July 4, 1992, The Hindu had reported: “the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service admits the possibility that the KGB could have been involved in arranging profitable Soviet contract for the company controlled by Rajiv Gandhi family”.

Indian media

Rajiv Gandhi’s sad demise delayed the Swiss and Russian exposé on Sonia being picked up here. But Indian media’s interest in it actually coincided with Sonia Gandhi assuming leadership of the Congress. A G Noorani, a well-known columnist, had reported on both Schweizer Illustrierte and Albats’ exposés in Statesman (December 31, 1988). Subramanian Swamy had put out the photocopies of the pages of Schweizer Illustrierte and Albats’ book in his website along with the mail of the Swiss magazine dated February 23, 2002 confirming that in its article of November 1991 it had named Rajiv Gandhi with a total of Swiss Franc 2.5 billion ($2.2 billion) in secret account; it had also offered to supply a original copy of the magazine to Swamy. (See: http://www.janataparty.org/annexures/ann10p43.html) These facts were again recalled in my article in The New Indian Express (April 29, 2009) written in response to Sonia Gandhi speech at Mangalore (April 27, 2009) declaring that, “the Congress was taking steps to address the issue of untaxed Indian money in Swiss banks”. The article had questioned her about her family’s corrupt wealth in Swiss banks in the context of her vow to bring back the monies stashed away abroad. Rajinder Puri, a reputed journalist, has also earlier written on the KGB disclosures in his column on August 15, 2006. Recently, in India Today (December 27, 2010) the redoubtable Ram Jethmalani has referred to the Swiss exposé, asking where is that money now? So the Indian media too has repeatedly published the details of the secret billions of the Gandhi family investigated by the Swiss and Russian journalists. Amal Datta (CPI(M)) had raised the $2.2 billion issue in Parliament on December 7, 1991, but Speaker Shivraj Patil expunged the Gandhi name from the proceedings!


But, what has been the response of Sonia or Rahul, major after June 1988, to the investigation by Schweizer Illustrierte and Albats and to the Indian media’s repeated references to their investigation? It can be summed up in one word: Silence. Thus, apart from the exposés, the deafening silence of the Gandhis itself constitutes the most damaging and self-incriminating evidence of the family’s guilt. When Schweizer Illustrierte alleged that Sonia had held Rajiv Gandhi’s bribes in Rahul’s name in Swiss banks, neither she nor the son, protested, or sued the magazine, then or later; nor did they sue A G Noorani or Statesman when they repeated it in 1998, or later; nor would they sue Subramanian Swamy when he put it on his website in 2002; neither did they sue me, or the Express when the article was carried in April 2009. When major papers, The Hindu and The Times of India included, had carried the expose on KGB payments in the year 1992 itself adding that the Russian government was embarrassed by the disclosures, neither of the Gandhis challenged or sued them; nor did they sue Yevgenia Albats when she wrote about KGB payments to Rajiv Gandhi in 1994. Neither did they act against Swamy when he put Albats’ book pages on his website or when Rajinder Puri, a well-known journalist, wrote about it in his column on August 15, 2006. However, a feeble but proxy suit was filed by Sonia loyalists to defend her reputation when Albats’ exposé was made part of the full-page advertisement in The New York Times in 2007 issued by some NRIs to ‘unmask’ Sonia to the US audience, as they claimed. The suit was promptly dismissed by a US court because Sonia herself did not dare file the suit. Shockingly even that suit did not challenge the $2.2 billion Swiss account at all!

Imagine that the report in Schweizer Illustrierte or in Albats book was false and Sonia Gandhi did not have those billions in secret accounts in Rahul Gandhi’s name or the family was not paid for its service to the KGB as alleged. How would they, as honest and outraged people, have reacted? Like how Morarji Desai, then retired and old at 87, responded in anger when, Seymour Hersh, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist, had mentioned in his book that Morarji Desai was a ‘paid’ CIA mole in the Indian Cabinet. Morarji Desai forthwith filed a libel suit. Commenting in The American Spectator, Rael Jean Isaac wrote in 2004, five years after Morarji Desai had passed away, that Hersh habitually indulged in character assassination; and in his attempt to do down Henry Kissinger, Morarji Desai became the victim. Isaac added that Desai, 87, calling it a “sheer mad story”, reacted in outrage with a libel suit seeking $50 million in damages. When the suit came up, as Desai, 93, was too ill to travel to US, Kissinger testified on Desai’s behalf, flatly contradicted Hersh’s charge and stated that Desai had no connection to the CIA. That is how even retired and old persons, honest and so offended and outraged, would act. But see the self-incriminating contrast, the complete absence of such outrage, in Sonia, who is reigning as the chairperson of the UPA now, neither retired or tired like the nonagenarian Morarji Desai, being just 41 when the story broke out in Schweizer Illustrierte. Imagine, not Sonia or Rahul, but Advani or Modi had figured in the exposés of Schweizer Illustrierte or Albats. What would the media not have done to nail them? What would the government of Sonia not have done to fix them?

Rs 20.80 lakh-crore loot

The billions of the Gandhi family being both bribes and monies stashed away in Swiss banks, they are inextricably linked to the larger issue of bringing back the huge national wealth stashed abroad. All world nations, except India, are mad after their black wealth secreted in Swiss and like banks. But India has shown little enthusiasm to track the illicit funds of Indians in Swiss and other banks. Why such reticence?

When during the run-up to the 2009 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP leader L K Advani promised to bringing back, if voted to power, Indian monies estimated between $500 billion and $1.4 trillion stashed abroad, the Congress first denied that there was such Indian money outside. But when the issue began gathering momentum, Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi had to do damage control and promise that the Congress too would bring back the national wealth secreted abroad. Global Financial Integrity (GFI), a non-profit institution working against global black funds, has recently estimated that the Indian wealth secreted away is about $462 billion, approximately equal to Rs 20.80 lakh-crore. The GFI says that more than two-thirds of it was looted away under the liberalisation regime. This is what the GFI says about the character of the loot: “From 1948 through 2008, India lost a total of $213 billion in illicit financial flows (or illegal capital flight)” through “tax evasion, corruption, bribery and kickbacks, and criminal activities”. Does one need a seer to say under what head would the $2.2 billion in Sonia family’s secret account (which would have grown to $9 to $13 billion by now) fall? But accretions, if any, from the loot in 2G and CWG where the numbers are even bigger are not still accounted. Now comes the more critical, yet practical issue. When the Sonia Gandhi family is among the suspects who have secreted away monies abroad, how will it affect the efforts to bring back the wealth stashed away by others?

Looters safe

Just a couple of examples will demonstrate how the government is unwilling to go after Indian money secreted abroad. As early as February 2008 the German authorities had collected information about illegal money kept by citizens of different countries in Lichtenstein bank. The German finance minister offered to provide the names of the account holders to any government interested in the names of its citizens. There were media reports that some 250 Indian names were found in the Lichtenstein Bank list. Yet, despite the open offer from Germany to provide the details, the UPA-II government has never showed interest in the Indian accounts in Lichtenstein Bank. The Times of India reported that “the ministry of finance and PMO have, however, not shown much interest in finding out about those who have their lockers on the secret banks of Liechtenstein which prides itself in its banking system”. But under mounting pressure the Indian government asked for details not under the open offer but strategically under India’s tax treaty with Germany. What is the difference? Under the tax treaty the information received would have to be kept confidential; but, if it were received openly, it can be disclosed to the public. Is any further evidence needed to prove that the government is keen to see that the names of Indians who had secreted monies abroad are not disclosed?

The second is the sensational case of Hasan Ali, the alleged horse-breeder of Pune, who was found to have operated Swiss accounts involving over Rs 1.5 lakh-crore. The income tax department has levied a tax of Rs 71,848 crore on him for concealing Indian income secreted in Swiss accounts. This case is being buried now. The request sent to the Swiss government was deliberately made faulty to ensure that the Swiss would not provide details. Some big names in the ruling circles are reportedly linked to Hasan Ali. That explains why the government would not deepen the probe. It is Hasan Alis and the like who transport through hawala the bribes of the corrupt from India. If Hasan Ali is exposed, the corrupt will stand naked. This is how the hawala trader and the corrupt in India are mixed-up.

Is it too much to conclude that thanks to Sonia family’s suspected billions in Swiss accounts the system cannot freely probe the $462 billion looted from India at all? Tail-pieces: The total wealth of both Gandhis, as per their election returns, is just Rs 363 lakh, Sonia owning no car. Sonia lamented on November 19, 2010, that graft and greed are on the rise in India!! Rahul said on December 19, 2010, that severe punishment should be given to the corrupt!!! Amen.

sonia gandhi, rahul gandhi, vincent george along with 12 peopel flied to switzerland on 8th june to take care f their balck money there. yesterday subarmaniyam swami given the statement onm star news, spread this as much as possible. now why congree spokemans r quit on tis that were is sonia gandhi and nautankibazz rahul gandhi passport name rahul vinci. jai hind.vande mataram
दिल्ली के इंदिरा गाँधी इंटरनेशनल एयरपोर्ट के इम्मीग्रेशन विभाग के
सूत्रों ने कहा है कि गत 8 जून 2011 को सोनिया गांधी,राहुल गांधी , सुमन दुबे [राजीव गाँधी फाउंडेशन ] विसेंट जार्ज, राबर्ट बडेरा , और लगभग 12अन्य लोग जिन्होंने इम्मीग्रेशन में अपना पेशा वित्त सलाहाकार बताया है एक निजी जेट से ज्यूरिख [स्विट्जरलैंड ] गए AB KAR LO KYA KAR SAKTE HO

India has entered an era of semi-dictatorship. Wake up, O ancient people of India! Your very culture and ancient spirituality are in danger. John MacLithon

Please read it, download it and share it.
15, April 2011

Dr.Manmohan Singh

Prime Minister as Sanctioning Authority

...u/s 19 of the Prevention of Corruption Act (1988) [PCA]

South Block, New Delhi

Re: Sanction to prosecute Ms.Sonia Gandhi, Chairperson (in Cabinet Rank), NAC, under Prevention of Corruption Act (1988).

Dear Sir,

1. Ms.Sonia Gandhi MP, wife of the deceased Rajiv Gandhi, was first appointed as Chairperson National Advisory Council [NAC] in May 2004. She resigned in 2006 but was re-appointed by an Order of the Cabinet Secretariat dated March 29, 2010, read with Order dated October 8, 2010 [Annexure 1].

2. As per Order of May 31, 2004 [Annexure 2] the Prime Minister’s Office will provide Central Government funds to meet the expenditure of the NAC, and service the NAC for its secretarial needs. Hence she is a public servant as defined in Section 2 ( c ) of the Prevention of Corruption Act (1988).

3. You, in your capacity as deemed appointing authority are therefore the Designated Authority under Section 19 of the Prevention of Corruption Act for granting Sanction to prosecute the said Ms. Sonia Gandhi. As you know, there are no laches or statute of limitations for prosecuting offences of corruption.

4. Your Sanction is required by me for prosecuting Ms. Sonia Gandhi on a private complaint proposed to be filed by me in the criminal court under Prevention of Corruption Act (1988), based on the materials available to me (and enclosed with this letter/application) with reference to two issues:


5. Ms.Sonia Gandhi holds office which enables her to give direction to Government departments and Ministries and also call for confidential reports from CBI, and according to the then Union Law Minister, she can even call for files [Annexure 3]. She has been as Chairperson of NAC giving directions to several ministries and departments.

6. It is charged that she obtained for, and colluded with family friend, Mr. Ottavio Quattrocchi—an Interpol Red-Corner Noticee & a proclaimed offender under Indian criminal law, to obtain for him the pecuniary advantage from defreezing of his CBI-frozen account, thus committing offence u/s 13 (1)(d) of the PCA, and also conspired with Quattrocchi to enable him to escape prosecution in Bofors Gun Purchase scam.

7. Bofors scam that occurred in 1986 represents corruption in very high places and the key figure in the scam is Mr. Ottavio Quattrocchi, the Italian family friend and fixer. The then Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi was manipulated by Ms.Sonia Gandhi, his Italian born wife, to abet the crime in Bofors gun purchase committed by Quattrocchi against the nation.

8. Ms.Sonia Gandhi stationed Mr.Walter Vinci, her brother-in-law, in Sweden to influence her husband and then Prime Minister, when on a visit to Sweden to finalize the Bofors Deal. Also present in the same hotel was the Italian fixer, small arms supplier, and Snam Progetti agent, Mr. Ottavio Quattrocchi, [who was hailed as the catalyst in the deal by the CBI in their Letters Rogatory documents], and who had in return for a hefty commission prevailed on the Prime Minister to sign the deal before March 31, 1986.

9. Thereafter when the arm of the law began reaching near him, he escaped from India in 1993, then from Malaysia in 2002 via a rigged court judgment obtained by collusion with as yet unnamed parties and from Argentina— by the CBI fudging the records – all achieved under the influence exerted by Ms. Sonia Gandhi under three different and consenting Prime Ministers.

10. This is further confirmed in the interview conducted by Ranjit Bhushan of Outlook magazine [Annexure 4 ] in 1998 with Mr.Sten Lindstorm, the Chief of the Investigation Division of Swedish National Bureau of Investigation and Special Prosecutor of the Swedish Government into the Bofors payoffs. The Swedish National Audit Bureau which he assisted concluded after an independent probe that bribes had indeed been paid in the Bofors deal.

11. Lindstorm states in the interview, which has not been contradicted by anyone including Ms. Sonia Gandhi, that: “The Bofors Papers all point to the [Sonia] Gandhi family” and further that Ms.Sonia Gandhi should “explain how Quattrocchi-owned companies got such fat sums as payoffs from the Bofors deal.”

12. This report is corroborated by another interview given by Lindstorm to Chitra Subramanian [Indian Express, March 22, 1998] wherein he stated; “All information we had at that time pointed to the Gandhi link—Sonia Gandhi should place her cards on the table. The bribes have been traced to her friend and this is not something out of the blue. This is no coincidence.”

13. Headlines Today is in possession of the written statement of then Intelligence Bureau officer Naresh Chandra Gosain made before CBI Inspector Ghanshyam Rai on March 29 1997. Between 1984 and 1987, Gosain was posted in the Special Protection Group[SPG] of the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. He was part of the escort team. Between 1987 and 1989, Gosain served as the Personal Security Officer or the PSO of Sonia Gandhi.

14. During the tenure of Prime Minister Deve Gowda in 1997, Gosain deposed before the CBI. This deposition has so far never been made public. Headlines Today dug out this deposition, in which Gosain talks at length about the close family ties between the Gandhis and the Quattrocchis.

15. In his testimony Gosain says, "Mr.Ottavio Quattrocchi and his wife Ms Maria Quattrocchi were very close to Mr Rajiv Gandhi and Mrs Sonia Gandhi. When Shri Rajiv Gandhi became Prime Minister, Mr. Quattrocchi and his family members used to visit PM house and the family members of Shri Rajiv Gandhi also used to visit the house of Mr.Quattrocchi."

16. He adds: “In the initial period of Prime Ministership of Shri Rajiv Gandhi, the children of Shri Rajiv Gandhi used to stay at Mr.Quattrocchi's house during the foreign visits/domestic visits of the Prime Minister. We used to perform our shift duties at the residence of Mr.Quattrocchi on such occasions. Sometimes, Mrs Sonia Gandhi has also stayed in the house of Mr.Quattrocchi and at that time we used to perform our duties there."

Gosain goes on to add that Mr.Quattrocchi and his wife Maria enjoyed free access to the Prime Minister's house. “At No. 5 & 7 Race Course Road, private cars were not allowed to enter inside the bungalow. Only the ferry cars of SPG, after severe security checks, used to carry such visitors from reception to porch and back. Mr. Quattrocchi and Mrs Maria Quattrocchi were very close to Shri Rajiv Gandhi's family and they got free access to the PM's House.”

He further added: "All visitors to No 5 & 7 Race Course Road were issued passes at the reception near the alighting point. Every time, a card was kept ready for Mr. Quattrocchi and his family members as and when they visited the PM's house. Everybody in SPG posted at PM house knew Mr Quattrocchi and his family members. Hence, there was no question of identifying them."

17. Ottavio Quattrocchi's proximity to the Gandhis is well known. What is also known is this proximity continued even after Quattrocchi began to be linked to the Bofors scandal. What documents show is that despite the cloud of suspicion surrounding Quattrocchi's involvment in the Bofors paybacks, he continued to have unfettered access to 10 Janpath, the residence officially assigned to Ms.Sonia Gandhi, which in itself makes her a public servant under the Prevention of Corruption Act.

18. It is important to recollect that by January 25, 1990, a team of CBI officials was already in Switzerland with a list of suspected recipients of the Bofors payback. According to a Frontline magazine story of the time, Ottavio Quattrocchi was the first name on that list. Between 1988 and 1990, the media too carried many stories about the involvement of Quattrocchi as a middleman in the Bofors deal.

19. It is clear from records that Mr.Quattrocchi was the direct beneficiary of bribe payments in the Bofors scam. It is now confirmed by the ITAT Report of the Hon’ble Tolani & Sharma Bench [Annexure 5 ].

The testimony of Mr. Sasi Dharan is crucial in further unravelling the proximity of Quattrocchi to Ms. Sonia Gandhi.. Sasi Dharan worked as a driver in Snam Progetti. Snam Progetti was an Italian public sector giant that was represented in India by Ottavio Quattrocchi. Sasi was Quattrocchi's personal driver. He drove Mercedes No.DIA 6253. In his testimony before the CBI, Sasi details the frequent meetings between the Gandhis with the Quattrocchis.

20. In his testimony Sasi says: "Shri Quattrocchi and Mrs Maria Quattrocchi were very close to Shri Rajiv Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi and his family. I do not know what type of relation they had but Quattrocchi and his wife Maria used to frequently visit the house of Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi. I knew it since 1985 when I joined service. At that time they used to visit the house of Rajiv Gandhi twice or thrice in a day. Whenever Sonia Gandhi's mother or father visited India, I used to drive them to the house of Quattrocchi. They used to remain there for the whole day and Mrs Maria Quattrocchi would take them for shopping. They used to come to India four or five times in the year."

21. What is clinching is the car log maintained by driver Sasi Dharan. In this log, Sasi details the exact dates when Ottavio Quattrocchi came to meet Rajiv and Sonia Gandhi at 5 and 7 Race Course Road or 10 Janpath. These logs are for the period 1989 to 1993. In this log book, Sasi Dharan has mentioned 41 occasions when Quattrocchi came to meet the Gandhis.

22. It is important to note that the meetings between Ottavio Quattrochi and Sonia Gandhi continued even after the death of Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 even as Ms.Sonia Gandhi remained as a public servant under the Prevention of Corruption Act.

23. According to Sasi Dharan, Quattrocchi came to 10 Janpath 21 times after May 1991. Considering the long financial dealings of Mr.Quattrocchi since 1976 with LTTE (the assassins of Rajiv Gandhi), this fact is a subject of a future application for sanction as well.

24. Sasi concludes by saying: "Shri Quattrocchi left India on the night of July 29, 1993 and on this day also I had driven him to the airport. At that time he did not have any luggage except one briefcase and he told me he was going for an urgent meeting. Usually, whenever Mr. Quattrocchi wanted the car, he would tell me in advance, but the day he left, he did not tell me (in advance)". Obviously he had notice of his impending arrest by CBI in advance.

25. As a consequence of the misuse of her office and position, Ms. Sonia Gandhi helped Ottavio Quattrocchi not only escape from the country, and in 2005 even to withdraw $ 29 million from his de-frozen accounts and thus let off scot free.

26. Hence, it is prima facie obvious that Ms.Sonia Gandhi had misused her office [ she was Life President in the Government funded Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts Trust(IGNCA Trust) during 1991-2002] and thus a public servant with considerable influence in government to enable Mr. Quattrocchi to escape from India in 1993 and later in 2005 to benefit Mr.Quattrocchi to illegally gain monetarily at the expense of the Consolidated Fund of India, by defreezing his London accounts.


27. This complaint against Sonia Gandhi also includes the corrupt monies held under her control in the tax haven of Switzerland as a legatee of the corrupt money which was banked in the name of her late husband or deposited by her of funds obtained from the erstwhile KGB, the Soviet Union’s Intelligence Agency, or by sale of illegally exported antiques in the country. I retain the right to submit details of other illegal accounts in other havens such as Macao at a later stage in another application to you or before the court.

28. It is well-reported that Sonia Gandhi is the beneficiary of Rajiv Gandhi's estate which includes the corrupt monies continued even now to be held in a tax havens. Why this money is held abroad (even if held as a trust to benefit family members) instead of its being held in India within the Indian financial system to benefit the nation is a question which Ms.Sonia Gandhi must answer.

29. Violations of FEMA have occurred as also under Prevention of Money Laundering Act. In case any transaction on this account which is not reported in the Income Tax Returns, and FCRA is also a violation. There may also be an issue of obtaining RBI prior permission for holding such large sums abroad if it is claimed to be a legitimate account.

30. It is clear that this wealth was not reported in Election Affidavits of Sonia Gandhi & Rahul Gandhi as a beneficiary of the monies so held [Annexure 6]. The total wealth of both Gandhis, as per their election returns, is just Rs 363 lakh, Sonia owns no car. "

31. When Schweizer Illustrierte a prestigious German language Swiss magazine alleged that Rajiv Gandhi held an illegal account in Swiss banks of about US $ 2 billion, neither she nor her son, protested, or sued the magazine, then or later [Annexure 7].

32. When major papers, The Hindu and The Times of India included, had carried in the year 1992 the official confirmation of KGB payments to the Rajiv Gandhi family, adding that the Russian government owned the payments in the disclosures, neither of the two Gandhis challenged or sued them [Annexure 8].
33. Nor did they sue Dr. Yevgenia Albats, a member of the official Commission on KGB Operations set up by President Yeltsin, when she wrote about KGB payments to Rajiv Gandhi and family in her book: The State within State [Annexure 9].

34. More than $ 2 billion in 1991 was being held by Ms. Sonia Gandhi as a legatee, or otherwise obtained by receiving stolen movable and immovable properties, monies and securities, kept illegally in tax haven banks of Switzerland and elsewhere, and which is disproportionate to her known sources of income. She thus has also committed offence u/s 13(1)(e) of PCA. It also attracts the IPC Sections for receiving stolen property.

35. The recent deposition of Hasan Ali, alleged to have siphoned money of the nation to Switzerland secret accounts admits to his close association not only with her but with Mr.Ahmed Patel MP and political adviser to Ms.Sonia Gandhi [Annexure 10 ].

36. Ms. Sonia Gandhi is also obviously culpable under Indian criminal law such as FCRA for the pay offs in the Iraqi Oil-for-Food scam of 2002. The United Nations had set up an independent inquiry committee under Dr. F. Volcker which found that the “Congress Party” headed by Ms. Sonia Gandhi as a beneficiary of a free oil quota from the now deposed and deceased dictator Saddam Hussein, which the beneficiary sold at market price through Marc Rich, the notorious swindler who had been convicted by a US Court for 350 years and several million dollars as fine. He was pardoned by US President Clinton in 2000 on Israeli Prime Minister’s intervention. He lives in Switzerland.

37. No one in Congress Party but Ms. Sonia Gandhi as party President could have been this beneficiary. The other beneficiary listed in Volcker’s Report was by name: Natwar Singh, who got much less [Annexure 11].

38. I reserve the right to further petition you to enlarge the scope of this sanction at a future date to include other violations and offences committed by Ms.Sonia Gandhi under Prevention of Corruption Act (1988), for which I will file with you a separate application if necessary.

39. But, in this application alone there is substantive prima facie evidence for an appropriate court to take cognizance of the offence committed by Ms.Sonia Gandhi under the Prevention of Corruption Act, and thus I seek your sanction to initiate the criminal law to prosecute her under the Act.

40. Ms. Sonia Gandhi is habitually committing acts of corruption since 1972. On November 19, 1974, I brought it to the attention of the Rajya Sabha that Ms. Sonia Gandhi, then an Italian citizen had functioned as a benami insurance agent of public sector insurance companies, and giving her address as 1, Safdarjung Road, New Delhi which was then the official residence of the Prime Minister of India. She thus committed an offence under FERA. The then Prime Minister Mrs.Indira Gandhi subsequently informed the Rajya Sabha that following my disclosure, Ms. Sonia Gandhi had resigned from this agency earning commissions.

41. Between January 25, 1973 and January 21, 1975 she held a post of Managing Director of Maruti Technical Services on a salary despite it being an offence under FERA. But then she had become Managing Director of Maruti Heavy Vehicles Pvt Ltd with an even bigger remuneration. For neither post she had the necessary qualifications having never passed even High School.The Justice A.C. Gupta Commission appointed in 1977 by the Janata Party Government found her guilty of multiple offences under FERA and IPC.

42. In 1980 and January 1983 Ms. Sonia Gandhi then still an Italian citizen enrolled herself as a voter in the New Delhi constituency despite having been struck off the list in 1982 upon the ERO receiving a complaint from a citizen. She thus committed an offence under Section 31 of the Representation of the People’s Act read with Form 4 of the Registration of Electors Rules(1960).

43. Ms.Sonia Gandhi’s Indian citizenship acquired in record speed in April 1983 is vitiated by her incomplete answers to mandatory questions in the citizenship forms. She did not submit documents from the Italian government of relinquishing her Italian citizenship required for Indian citizenship, stating in the Form that it was ‘not applicable” [Annexure 12]. Italian Embassy in New Delhi simply affirmed what she told them and hence that cannot be taken as a valid document of relinquishment for the purposes of citizenship. She also retrieved her Italian passport in 1992 after citizenship laws in Italy were amended which under Section 10 of the Citizenship Act (1955) means cancellation of her Indian citizenship.

44. All these facts stated above were put together and published in USA in a full page advertisement in the New York Times in 2008 by NRIs N. Kataria and others. The Congress Party unit in USA thereafter engaged the most expensive law firm and filed a $200 million defamation suit. However Ms.Sonia Gandhi refused to appear in the witness box and be cross examination. Therefore, Justice Emily Goodman of the New York State Supreme Court dismissed the suit since defamation suits in law have to be filed by the person claiming to be defamed, and therefore cannot be assigned to others [Annexure 13]. Ms. Sonia Gandhi had a case to rebut these facts, then why she failed to turn up in court?


Source - http://tiny.cc/JP_PRESSSee More

चार जून की रात दिल्ली के रामलीला मैदान में की गई पुलिस ज्यादतियों का विरोध करने वाले तमाम धर्माचार्य, योगाचार्य, संन्यासी और स्वयंसेवी संगठन अगर आने वाले समय में एक मंच पर एकत्र होकर अन्ना हजारे और बाबा रामदेव की मांगों का समर्थन करने का तय कर लें और गांव-गांव और शहरों में फैले अपने करोड़ों समर्थकों से सरकार का विरोध करने का आह्वान कर दें तो कैसी परिस्थितियां बनेंगी?स्वामी रामदेव को बर्बाद करने पर क्यों उतारू हैं सरकार?
स्वामी रामदेव को बर्बाद करने पर क्यों उतारू हैं सरकार?
भारत को मजबूत बनाने के बाबा के आंदोलन को रौंदने के लिए राष्ट्रीय ही नहीं अंतरराष्ट्रीय षडयंत्र/
देश की सत्ता में पक्ष-विपक्ष व पूरी व्यवस्था के विभिन्न महत्वपूर्ण संस्थानों में काबिज मजबूत तबका देश की संसद पर हमला सह सकता है! उसके अपराधियों को न्यायालय द्वारा फांसी दिये जाने के बाबजूद वर्षो तक उसकी खातिरदारी कर सकता है। वह देश के तबाह करने पर तुले अमेरिका व पाक के आतंकियों पर रहम कर सकता है। यही नहीं देश को मंहगाई व भ्रष्टाचार से तबाह करने वाले देशद्रोहियों को देश की छाती पर मूंग दलते हुए देख सकता है परन्तु देश का यह तबका किसी भी हालत में यह सहन नहीं कर सकता है कि उनके द्वारा दशकों से देश से कमाये गये अकूत काले धन पर जो उन्होंने बहुत ही पापड़ बेल कर विदेशी बैंकों में अपने बुरे दिनों के लिए सुरक्षित रखा है उस पर कोई नजर भी उठाये। उस पर नजर उठाने वाले हालांकि सुब्रमणयम स्वामी जेसे बहुत हैं परन्तु बाबा रामदेव जैसे जनबली व धनबली अब तक एक भी न था। बाबा द्वारा देश हित में उनके माल पर नजर रखने की हिमाकत करने के कारण देश का यह तबका हर हाल में उसको जमीदोज करने के लिए उतारू है।
बाबा रामदेव जैसे मजबूत व लाखों जनता को आंदोलित करके उस धन को जब्त करने की बात दिल्ली में आकर उनकी छाती पर चढ़ कर करने लगे तो यह देश के उन लोगों को कतई बर्दास्त नहीं हुआ जिनकी अकूत सम्पति विदेशों में इन बैंकों में रखी हुई है। यह नहीं की ये लोग केवल कांग्रेस पार्टी के हैं ये भारत के तमाम अग्रणी राजनैतिक दलों में ही महत्वपूर्ण पदों में आसीन नहीं हैं अपितु ये लोग नौकरशाह, व्यवसायी, कलाकार, खिलाड़ी, कानूनविद्,तस्कर, माफिया, साधु-संत, उद्यमी और समाजसेवी सहित व्यवस्था के तमाम महत्वपूर्ण तबके को अपने शिकंजे में जकडने वाले लोग है। ऐसे लोग कैसे सहन करे की उनकी उम्र भर की कमाई को , जो उन्होंने कितने ही कुकर्म करके बचते छुपाते विदेशी बैंकों में छुपाई हैं, इस कमाई को बाबा रामदेव द्वारा देश के लिए जब्त करने की मांग को सुनते ही उनकी दिन का चैन व रातों की नींद ही उड गयी। उन्होंने मिल कर दवाब डाल कर बाबा रामदेव को ऐसा सबक सिखाने का रणनीति बाबा के दिल्ली आगमन से पहले ही तय कर ली थी। वे हर हाल में बाबा रामदेव की जुबान को सदा के लिए बंद करने के लिए भी उतारू है। इसी कारण सरकार ने इतनी कमजोरी व आवभगत बाबा रामदेव के सम्मुख दिखाई कि उसे देख कर पूरा देश हैरान था। सरकार किसी भी कीमत पर बाबा को दिल्ली में आमरण अनशन क्या इस मुद्दे को लेकर किसी प्रकार का योग शिविर की भी इजाजत नहीं दे रही थी। परन्तु बाबा ने जिस प्रकार से चार मंत्रियों को अपनी बातों में फंसा कर 4 जून को रामलीला मैदान में आमरण अनशन करने में सफलता हासिल की उससे विदेशी बैंकों में अकूत धन रखने वालों की त्योरियां चढ़ गयी। उन्होंने अपने प्रभाव से किसी भी कीमत पर बाबा रामदेव को ऐसा सबक सिखाने का मन बना लिया कि जिससे आने वाले समय में कोई इस मुद्दे को उठाने की हिम्मत तक न कर पाये। इसी के तहत आधी रात को सोते हुए आंदोलनकारियों व बाबा रामदेव को पुलिसिया दमन का शिकार होना पड़ा। वह बाबा रामदेव का शौभाग्य रहा कि वे सुरक्षित बच गये। अगर उस भगदड में बाबा रामदेव भी वहां पर शहीद हो जाते तो इन धन पशुओं के चेहरे पर तनिक सी भी सिकन नहीं आती। इसके बाद जिस प्रकार से बाबा रामदेव को बदनाम करने का एक जबरदस्त प्रचार कांग्रेस व सरकार ने मीडिया के सहयोग से किया उससे साफ हो गया कि बाबा रामदेव जिंदा भी हैं तो यह देश के लोगों के लिए शौभाग्य व भगवान की कृपा से। नहीं तो जो निष्ठुर व्यवस्था रात के अंधेरे में सोते हुए हजारों अनशनकारी महिला, बुजुर्ग व बच्चों पर जलियावाले बाग से अधिक शर्मनाक दमन कर सकती है तो उसके लिए अपने निहित स्वार्थ के लिए बाबा रामदेव को रामलीला मैदान की भगदड़ में ही जमीदोज करने में कितनी मेहनत करनी पड़ती। देश की जनता को ही नहीं पूरे विश्व के चिंतकों को एक बात समझ में नहीं आ रही है कि भारत सरकार शांतिपूर्ण ढंग से लाखों लोगों के समर्थन से देश के हित में आंदोलन कर रहे योग गुरू बाबा रामदेव को कुचलने के लिए इतनी क्यों अधीर है? क्यों भारत सरकार ने 4 मई की रात को सोते हुए अनशनकारी रामदेव व पच्चीस हजार अनशनकारियों को बर्बर पुलिसिया दमन से क्यों रौंदा? उसके बाद भी केन्द्र सरकार व सत्तासीन कांग्रेस पार्टी दोनों ने ही जिस गैर जिम्मेदाराना ढ़ग से बाबा रामदेव के अनशन का उपहास ही नहीं उपेक्षा की उससे देश के लोगों के जेहन मे ं केवल एक ही सवाल बार बार उभर रहा है कि आखिर बाबा रामदेव ने ऐसी क्या गलती कर दी जो उसके साथ देश के दुश्मनों से भी बदतर व्यवहार करने के लिए सरकार उतारू हैं? क्यों सरकार देशहित में चल रहे इन शांतिपूर्ण आंदोलनों को तो हर हाल में लाठी गोली चलवा कर पुलिसिया दमन से रौंदने के लिए उतारू हैं परन्तु वहीं दूसरी तरफ यही सरकार देश की संसद से लेकर भारत को अपने आतंकियों से तबाह करने पर दशकों से संलिप्त अमेरिका व पाक से मैत्री की पींग बढ़ा रही है तथा उनके आतंकी गुर्गो को तमाम न्यायालयों द्वारा सजा दिये जाने के बाबजूद भी शर्मनाक संरक्षण दे रहे हैं।
कुछ महिनों से देश की राजनीति में यकायक तब उबाल आया जब बाबा रामदेव व अन्ना हजारे ने देश में बेलगाम भ्रष्टाचार से व्यथित हो कर इसके खिलाफ गांधीवादी आंदोलन चलाने के लिए कमर कसी। रामदेव तो पूरे भारत में भारतीयों द्वारा विदेशों में जमा करायी गयी अकूत दौलत को भारत में वापस लाने की मांग करते हुए आंदोलन चला रहे थे। वहीं अन्ना हजारे भी अपने साथियों के साथ जन लोकपालकी नियुक्ति के लिए कानून बनाने के लिए आंदोलन कर रहे थे। पूरे देश ने देखा कि अण्णा हजारे के आंदोलन को सरकार ने हाथों हाथ लेकर उनके साथ समझोता करके नया इतिहास रचा। लोगों को लगा कि केन्द्र सरकार जनदवाब में आ कर लोकशाही का सम्मान करने के लिए मजबूर हो गयी है। जन लोकपाल कानून बनाने के लिए सरकार ने तत्काल मंत्रीमण्डल समुह की समिति और एक अण्णा हजारे वाले दल की नागरिक समिति गठन का ऐलान कर दिया। इसकी एक दो बैठकें भी आयोजित हुई। सरकार पहले अण्णा हजारे की प्रधानमंत्री से लेकर न्यायपालिका को इस कानून के अन्तर्गत रखने के लिए सहमत हुई परन्तु चंद महिने में ही सरकार ने अपना रंग दिखाना शुरू कर दिया। किन्तु परन्तु ऐसे लगाये कि समिति के औचित्य पर ही प्रश्न चिन्ह लगाना शुरू कर दिया। इसके साथ ही बाबा रामदेव ने भ्रष्टाचार पर अंकुश लगाने के लिए जन लोकपाल को नाकाफी बताते हुए साफ शब्दों में अपनी पहली मांग के रूप में विदेशी बैंको में भारतीयों द्वारा रखे गये तथाकथित 400 लाख करोड़ रूपये को वापस भारत मे ं लाने की मांग को लेकर अपने ऐतिहासिक अनशन का ऐलान कर दिया।
जून को प्रारम्भ हुए इस आमरण अनशन में सम्मलित होने के लिए बाबा ने पूरे देश का भ्रमण करते हुए इसमें देश भर के लाखों लोगों को जोड़ने में जैसे ही सफलता हासिल की, उससे केन्द्र सरकार के हाथ पांव फूलने लगे। इस आंदोलन को जिस प्रकार से संघ परिवार का खुला समर्थन हासिल हुआ, सरकार के पांवों के नीचे से मानों जमीन ही खिसक गयी। सरकार ने इस बात का निश्चय कर लिया कि किसी भी कीमत पर बाबा रामदेव को दिल्ली में आमरण अनशन तो क्या कुछ भी करने के लिए इस समय घुसने ही न दिया जाय। जब बाबा अपने जनजागरण अभियान के अंतिम पड़ाव महाकाल की नगरी उज्जैन में हजारों लोगों को संबोधित करके 3 जून को दिल्ली से पालम हवाई अड्डे पर उतरे ही थे कि वहां पर केन्द्र सरकार के चार मंत्री उनसे अपना आमरण अनशन स्थगित करने की गुहार लगाने को पंहुच गये। इन चारों मंत्रियों ने बाबा रामदेव से कहा कि सरकार ने कालाधन को देश में लाने की मांग व मेडिकल -इंजीनियरिंग सेवाओं की परीक्षायें भारतीय भाषाओं में कराने की मांग को सिद्वांत रूप में स्वीकार कर लिया है। 3 जून को भी बाबा रामदेव के साथ भारत सरकार के मंत्रियों की दिल्ली के एक पंचतारा होटल में बैठक हुई। िह हालांकि इन बातों को उजागर नहीं किया गया। बाबा ने देश भर से आये अपने लाखों समर्थकों के साथ रामलीला मैंदान में आमरण अनशन का अपना वचन निभाने की मजबूरी शायद केन्द्र सरकार के मंत्रियों सके समक्ष रखी। बाबा की मजबूरी को समझते हुए शायद सरकार ने इसको भी मान लिया। परन्तु जब 4 जून तक बाबा के अनशन पर लाखों लोग पंहुच रहे थे तथा वहां पर देश के कौने कौने से लाखों और लोगों के पंहुचने की आशंका से केन्द्र सरकार के लोगों की त्योरियां चढ़ने लगी।
वैसे भी बाबा रामदेव को मनाने की गुहार जिस प्रकार से केन्द्र सरकार ने अपने चार -चार मंत्रियों को भेज कर की उससे पूरे कांग्रेसी जगत में सरकार की कड़ी भत्र्सना हुई। इसके साथ ही पूरे देश में एक संदेश गया कि मनमोहन सिंह सरकार पूरी तरह से बाबा रामदेव के रहमों करम पर टिकी हुई है। कांग्रेसी रणनीतिकारों को आशा थी कि वह बाबा को भी अण्णा हजारे की तरह अपने कमेटी इत्यादि के जाल में फंसा ही लेंगे। परन्तु जिस प्रकार से बाबा रामदेव के हाथों अपनी मिटियामेट होते देख कर कांग्रेसी रणनीतिकारों ने 4 जून की रात को बाबा रामदेव पर अनशन समाप्त न करने व वादा खिलाफी करने का आरोप लगा कर ुपलिस के दमन के बल पर आंदोलन को तहस नहस कर दिया। इसकी कड़ी भ्रत्र्सना पूरे देश ही नहीं विदेशों में भी हुई। परन्तु देश के इस तबके को इससे क्या लेना, वह तो बाबा रामदेव को ऐसा सबक सिखाने को उतारू हैं और इसके लिए उसने अपनी सारी ताकत झोंक दी है। उसकी एक ही कोशिश है कि बाबा को इतना करारा सबक सिखाया जाय कि कोई दूसरा भूल कर भी इस दिशा में मुंह खोलने की हिम्मत तक न कर सके।
बाबा को सबक सिखाने के बाद अब अण्णा हजारे को भी सरकार मूक रहने के लिए विवश कर रही है। इसी के तहत अण्णा हजारे को संघ का आदमी और तानाशाह आदि बताया जा रहा है। बाबा रामदेव के पास तो धनबल व जनबल था सरकार को मालुम है कि अण्णा के पास ऐसा कुछ नहीं है। केवल जनता के दिलों में जरूर अण्णा हजारे के लिए जगह है परन्तु अण्णा के पास वर्तमान में केवल एनजीओ की टीम के अलावा कोई ऐसा समर्पित तबका नहीं है जो सरकार के दमन के बाद अपने आप को विरोध में झोंक दे। इसलिए सरकार जानती है कि एनजीओ तो सबसे भ्रष्ट व अवसरवादी तबका होता है, वह लम्बा संघर्ष किसी भी कीमत पर नहीं कर सकता है। ऐसे में बाबा रामदेव के बाद अण्णा का मुंह बंद कर देश को भ्रष्टाचार का चारागाह बनाने के लिए देश की व्यवस्था पर काबिज मजबूत तबका उतारू है। इसी तबके के इशारों पर पक्ष विपक्ष ही नहीं पूरी व्यवस्थायें संचालित होती है। सरकार किसी की भी रहे इसी मजबूत तबके का राज देश में
चलता है।
जो लोग बाबा रामदेव व अण्णा की चंद भूलों के कारण इस आंदोलन का विरोध कर रहे हैं उनको यह बात समझ लेना चाहिए कि अण्णा व बाबा की भूलों को तो सुधारा जा सकता है परन्तु व्यवस्था में काबिज इन खूंखार भेडियों से देश बचाने के लिए इन दोनों को निजी अहं भूला कर एकजूट हो कर सांझी लडाई लडनी जरूरी है। इस लडाई में भले ही संकीर्ण मानसिकता के नेता, भ्रष्ट नेताओं को अग्रणी न भी बनाया जाय परन्तु इस आंदोलन में सबका सहयोग लेना नितांत आवश्यक है। एक हिंसक तबके व देश को लूटने में दशकों से लगे तबके से देश की व्यवस्था को बचाने के लिए तथा भ्रष्टाचार पर ईमानदारी से अंकुश लगाने के लिए समाज के सभी तबकों की भागेदारी को स्वीकार करना पडेगा। इसमें संघ या मुस्लिम लीग या अकाली सभी तबके का जो भी व्यवस्था की भलाई में सहयोग देना चाहता हो उसका सहयोग लेना चाहिए। अगर हमने इन खूंखार तबके के जाल में फंस कर संघ या मुस्लिम इत्यादि लक्ष्मण रेखाओं को अपनी चारों तरफ खिंचा तो इस लडाई को किसी भी सूरत पर तमाम कोशिशों के बाबजूद नहीं जीता जा सकता है। जो लोग बाबा रामदेव के हजारों करोड़ रूपये की सम्पति के कारण उनका विरोध कर इस आंदोलन को कमजोर कर रहे हैं उनको यह नहीं भूलना चाहिए कि बाबा रामदेव की तरह इस देश में हजारों ऐसे संत व महंत हैं जिनके पास उनसे भी अधिक सम्पति है। परन्तु बाबा रामदेव ने यह सम्पति देश का नाम रोशन करके अर्जित की। हो सकता है कानूनों का कुछ उलंधन हुआ हो परन्तु उनके कार्यो से देश को हजारों करोड़ का लाभ व अरबों रूपये का अर्थव्यवस्था को लाभ हुआ। हाॅं जिन बहुराष्ट्रीय कम्पनियों के खिलाफ बाबा रामदेव पेप्सी, कोक इत्यादि को रोकने के लिए प्रचार कर रहे थे उनके आर्थिक सम्राज्य को बाबा ने गहरा नुकसान पंहुचाया था। इसकारण हो सकता है बाबा के खिलाफ यह अंतरराष्ट्रीय साजिश भी हो। क्योंकि बाबा रामदेव जिस प्रकार से भारत के स्वाभिमान व विकास के लिए देश की जनता को जागृत कर रहे थे उसको देख कर विदेशी ताकतें किसी भी सूरत पर बाबा के अभियान को रौंकना चाहती थी। इस तरह बाबा के भारत को मजबूत बनाने के इस अभियान को रोंकने व रौंदने में राष्ट्रीय ही नहीं अंतरराष्ट्रीय साजिश भी है। देश के स्वाभिमानी देशभक्तों को इस बात को समझना चाहिए कि बाबा के आंदोलन से देश मजबूत ही होगा। देश की न्यायपालिका को भी यह बात समझ में आ ही गयी कि बाबा के आंदोलन को कुचला गया है। आज देशवासियों का पावन कर्तव्य है कि वे बाबा व अण्णा हजारे के देश को महान बनाने के आंदोलन को कुचलने पर आमदा सरकार के मंसूबों पर आगे आ कर पानी फेर दे। शेष श्री कृष्ण कृपा। हरि ओम तत्सत् । श्री कृष्णाय् नमो।

Baba Ramdev says,"kala dhan vapas lao." Kya aap jante hain 400 lakh crore agar vapas aega to kya hoga? 1. Bharat financialy No.1 banega. 2. Ek district ko 60,000 crore aur ek gaon ko100 crore. 3. 20 saal tak kisi bhi tarah ka tax nhi dena pdega. 4. Petrol-Rs.25; Diesel-Rs.15; CNG-Rs.15; Daal-Rs.20; Milk-Rs.8. 5. Electricity sasti ho jaegi. 6. Humara border chaaron taraf se China Wall se bhi zada strong ban jaega. 7. Pure desh mein 1500 Oxford jaisi universities khul jaengi. 8. 28,000 km ki rubar road (as a paris) tayar ho jaegi. 9. 2000 hospitals (including all facilities). All medications free. 10. Aur 95 crore logon ka apna khudka ghar hoga. Ghuma daalo iss msg ko itna ke khud SARKAR ke paas pahunch jaye.! Go Indians Go... For ur Motherland :-)

Baba Ramdev Says :-

Kala Dhan vaps lao.......

Kya aap Jante hai 400,000,00Crore agar vapas ayega to Kya hoga ?


1) Bharat Financially no.1 Banega.

2) Ek Jile ko 60,000Crore aur ek Gaon ko 100Crore.

3) 20 saal tak kisi bhi tarh ka Tax nai dena padega.

4) Petrol (Without tax) Rs.25, Diesel Rs.15, CNG Rs.150, Milk Rs.8, etc.

5) Light ka Kabhi Bill nai Dena Hoga.

6) Bharat ke Border Charo tarf se China wall se bhi zayada strong ban Jayega.

7) Pure Desh mai 1500 Oxford jaisa University Khul Jayega.

8) 28,000Km ki rubber road (as a Paris) taiyar ho jayega.

9) 2000 Hospital (inclusive all facility) Free to every Indian.

10) 95Crore logo ka apna ghar hoga.

Ghuma daalo iss msg ko itna ke khud SARKAR ke paas pahunch jaye.! Go Indians Go... For ur Motherland )

कांग्रेस की बाबा के खिलाफ रणनीति का खुलासा
निम्नलिखित लेख मुझे इंटरनेट पर किसी ब्लाग में अनाम टिप्पणी के रूप में मिला। उसे ही प्रस्तुत कर रहा हूं:

अब मै कांग्रेस की बाबा रामदेव के खिलाफ घिनौनी रणनीति के बारे मे बताता हूँ.

बाबा रामदेव ने जबसे चार जून को आंदोलन का ऐलान किया था.
तब से ही सरकार ने अपनी घिनौनी रणनीति बनानी शुरु कर दी थी.रही बात माँगो की तो मांगे तो कांग्रेस कभी भी किसी भी हालत मे नही मान सकती थी.
क्यो कि क्या कोई चोर और उसके साथी कभी भी ये मान सकते है कि वो अपनी चोरी का खुलासा करे.

जब सुप्रीम कोर्ट कह कह के थक गया कि कालेधन जमा करने वालो की सूची जारी करे. जब इस भ्रष्ट सरकार ने आज तक सूची तक नही जारी की.

तो काले धन को राष्ट्रीय संपत्ति घोषित करना और उसको वापस लाना तो बहुत दूर की बात है.
क्यो कि ये बात 100 % सही है की खुद इस गांधी फैमिली का अकूत धन स्विस बैँक मे जमा है.

इस बारे मे सनसनी खेज खुलासे बाबा रामदेव की 27 फरवरी की रामलीला मैदान की विशाल रैली मे भी हुये थे.

जिसमे विशाल जनसमूह उमड़ा था और इस बिके मीडिया ने उस रैली को प्रसारित नही किया था.

और जब आस्था चैनल ने उस रैली को दिखाया तो तुरंत इस सरकार ने आस्था चैनल पर इस रैली को दिखाने पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया.

उसके बाद से
कांग्रेस का केवल एक ही उददेश्य था कि कुछ ऐसा किया जाये जिससे बाबा रामदेव पे लोगो का विश्वास उठ जाये.

क्यो कि कांग्रेस जानती थी की उसको किसी भी विपक्षी पार्टी से इतना खतरा नही है जितना बाबा रामदेव से है. क्यो कि उनके साथ विशाल जन समर्थन है.

इसलिये कांग्रेस ने एक ऐसी घिनौनी साजिश रची . कि जिससे लोगो का विश्वास रामदेव से उठ जाये.

एक जून को जब चार मंत्री एयरपोर्ट पर बाबा को लेने गये
तो आम जनता या मीडिया को तो छोड़ो .
स्वयं बाबा रामदेव भी नही समझ पाये.
कि ये उल्टी गंगा कैसे बही?

जब कि कांग्रेस के इस पैतरे का केवल एक ही उद्देश्य था.
कि किसी तरह बाबा को प्रभावित करके एक चिटठी लिखवा ली जाये. ताकि बाद मे ये साबित किया जा सके.
कि अनशन फिक्स था और लोगो का विश्वास बाबा से उठ जाये.
लेकिन बाबा ने कोई पत्र नही लिखा.

कांग्रेस ने हार नही मानी
दुबारा मीटिँग की फिर भी असफल रही.

और फिर उसने तीसरी मीटीँग होटल मे की .
वहाँ उन नेताओ के पास बाबा की गिरफ्तारी का आदेश भी था.
और होटल के बाहर काफी फोर्स भी पहुच गयी थी.
नेताओ ने बाबा पर बहुत दबाब बनाया.
और ये कहा कि आप की सारी मांगे मान ली जायेँगी लेकिन आप एक पत्र लिखे कि आप अपना अनशन खत्म कर देँगे.
आपको ये पत्र लिखना बहुत जरुरी है. क्यो कि ये पत्र प्रधानमंत्री को दिखाना है.और ये एक आवश्यक प्रक्रिया है.
बिना पत्र लिखे वो बाबा को छोड़ ही नही रहे थे.
इसीलिये उस मीटीँग मे 6 घंटे का समय लग गया. उस समय
बाबा रामदेव ये समझ गये थे कि कुछ षडयंत्र बुना जा रहा है.
तब उन्होने संयम से काम लेते हुये पत्र लिखवाने पर तो मान गये लेकिन खुद साइन नही किया बल्कि आचार्य बालक्रष्ण से करवाया.
हालाकि कांग्रेस बाबा से खुद साइन करने का दबाब डालते रहे लेकिन बाबा ने समझदारी से काम लेते हुये खुद साइन नही किया.

तब जाकर बाबा उस होटल से बाहर निकल पाये.
उन्होने रामलीला मैदान पहुचते ही ये बता दिया कि उनके खिलाफ षडयंत्र रचा जा रहा है और वक्त आने पर खुलासा करेँगे.

उसके बाद चार तारीख को नेताओ ने बाबा को फोन करके झूठ बोल दिया. कि आपकी अध्यादेश लाने की मांगे मान ली गयी है और आप अनशन खत्म करने की घोषणा कर दे.
कांग्रेस इस बात का इंतजार कर रही थी कि एक बार बाबा अनशन खत्म की घोषणा कर दे तो उसके बाद वो पत्र मीडिया मे जारी कर दिया जाये जिससे ये साबित हो जाये की अनशन फिक्स था और लोगो की नजर मे बाबा नीचे गिर जाये.
बाबा ने फिर घोषणा भी कर दी की सरकार ने हमारी माँगे मान ली है और वो जैसे ही हमे लिखित मे दे देगी .हम अनशन खत्म कर देँगे.

सरकार फिर फस गयी क्यो कि उसने बाबा से झूठ बोला था कि वो अध्यादेश लाने की बात लिख कर देगी .जब कि वास्तव मे उसने कमेटी बनाने की बात लिखी थी. और बाबा जब तक अध्यादेश लाने की बात लिखित रुप से नही देखेँगे. तब तक वो आंदोलन नही खत्म करेँगे.

तब कांग्रेस के चालाक वकील मंत्री सिब्बल ने तुरंत मीडिया को पत्र दिखाया और ये जताया कि ये अनशन पहले से फिक्स था. क्यो कि सिब्बल जानता था कि मीडिया बिना कुछ सोचे समझे बाबा की धज्जियाँ उड़ाने मे लग जायेगा.
और यही हुआ भी .मीडिया ने बिना कुछ समझे भौकना शुरु कर दिया की बाबा ने धोखा किया.
लोगो की भावनाओ से खेला आदि.

जब बाबा को पता चला कि सिब्बल ने एक कुटिल चाल खेली है.

तब उन्होने बड़ी वीरता से उस धज्जियाँ उड़ाने को आतुर मीडिया को सारे सवालो के जबाब दिये और स्थिति को संभाल लिया.

कांग्रेस अपनी इतनी बड़ी चाल को फेल होते हुये देख बौखला गयी.
और उस मूर्ख कांग्रेस ने मैदान मे रावणलीला मचा कर अपनी कब्र खोदने की शुरुआत कर दी.

तीन जून की मीटिंग जहा प्रस्तावित थी, स्वामी रामदेव वहां न जाकर बाराखंबा रोड पर आर्यसमाज के ओर्फनेज में पहुंच गया और वहीं उन्होंने सुबोध कांत सहाय और सिब्बल को बुलाया। लेकिन सिब्बल ने स्वामी रामदेव को निर्धारित जगह पर आने की जिद की जहां रामदेव के लिये तैयारियां पूरीं थीं।

अंत में दोनो पक्ष यह मीटिंग पब्लिक प्लेस पर खुली जगह क्लैरिज होटल में करने के लिये तैयार हो गये।

कपिल सिब्बल ने उसी समय अपने नाम से व्यक्तिगत हैसियत से क्लैरिज होटल में एक सुइट बुक कराया। यह मीटिंग खुली जगह के बजाय सुइट में हुई। वहां वही हुआ जो ऊपर वाले अनामी ने लिखा है। क्लैरिज होटल में आनन फानन में कितनी पुलिस की गाडियां आई, यह वहां मौजूद सभी लोग जानते हैं।

जून की दोपहर को एक रिपोर्ट दर्ज की गई कि स्वामी रामदेव व एक अन्य व्यक्ति की जान को खतरा है।

यह प्लान किया गया कि अनशन के लिये इकट्ठे हुये लोगों में आपस में हुई लड़ाई की बात बताकर रात को पुलिस को घुसाया जाय।

यही बताकर पुलिस वहां घुसी। मीडिया के कैमरे उस समय नहीं चल रहे थे। बाहर खड़ी मीडिया ने जब पुलिस के आला अधिकारी से पूछा तो उसने यही बताया था कि स्वामी रामदेव के साथ के लोगों में आपस में झड़प हुई है। पुलिस चुपचाप वहां निशब्द घुसी।

सारे लोग सो रहे थे। रामदेव के पास सादी वर्दी में पुलिस पहले से ही मौजूद थी। योजना रामदेव को चुपचाप उठाकर आपस की लड़ाई में मार डाला दिखाने की थी। रामदेव की हत्या की सूचना होने की खबर वे पहले ही दे चुके थे। रामदेव की हत्या का आरोप RSS पर लगाने की पूरी योजना तैयार थी कि RSS ने भाजपा का वोट बैंक बिखर जाने के डर से और फायदा उठाने के लिये रामदेव की हत्या कर दी। इसके बाद क्या होना था वह सभी कल्पना कर सकते हैं।

लेकिन रामदेव को इस योजना की भनक लग चुकी थी। वह तब तक अपने आपको बचाता रहा जब तक कि मीडिया के कैमरे खुल नहीं गये। पुलिस ने मीडिया के कैमरे बंद कराने की कितनी कोशिश की वह आप उस समय की वीडियो देखकर जान सकते हैं। अपनी जान बचाने के लिये ही स्वामी रामदेव महिला के वेश में भागने पर मजबूर हुआ।

राजनीति की गंदी साजिश भरे गटर में स्वामी रामदेव एक बहुत छोटा मच्छर थे। किस्मत अच्छी थी कि वह मसले जाने से बच गया।
प्रतीक्षा कीजिये कि इस घिनौनी पटकथा के असफल अंत का खामियाजा कौन भुगतता है।

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